When Helping Hurts: Alleviating Poverty Without Hurting the Poor

when helping hurtsWhen Helping Hurts: Alleviating Poverty Without Hurting the Poor

by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert

One of our book assignments for missionary training was to read the book, When Helping Hurts. Have you ever thought that when you give …

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Commissioning Service in Chicago – one more step closer to Japan

3If you have not had the opportunity to watch our commissioning service in Chicago, click here to access the full service.

5The commissioning service was a very special moment where all the new missionaries received encouragement and words of prayer …

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Chicago, Japão & Comissionamento…

3No dia 27 de julho de 2014, sexta feira, na cidade de Chicago, nós tivemos um 4momento único e extremamente singular. A Covenant World Mission, parte da Covenant Church, anunciou os novos missionários que estarão sendo enviados à 1diversos continentes …

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Parabéns Sophia! Muitas felicidades…

sophia_niver1Sophia está fazendo 1 aninho de idade.

Que alegria que ela tem nos dado!

Neste último sábado nos reunimos para celebrar a sua vidinha.

A sua inocência, alegria contagiosa, andar desengonçado, pureza de olhar e coração, abraço sincero, desinteressado e …

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Baby Dedication Wasn’t on Missionary Training Schedule

By Stan Friedman

CHICAGO, IL (June 16, 2014) — It made perfect sense to Covenant missionaries Fabio Muniz and Johnna Hayward-Muniz to have their daughter dedicated in what quite likely was the first ever such service at Covenant Offices.


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My first father’s day in the US

fathersdaySophia has been an amazing gift and inspiration for both of us. I remember when Sophia was just a few months old and Johnna delegated me the responsibility to babysit her. I was still learning the tasks of my new …

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A Copa do Mundo começou!

brasil1A Copa do Mundo começou!

Na semana passada, conversando com a minha querida mãezinha, ela disse que havia um clima e atmosfera muito triste no Brasil. Greve. Pancadaria. Quebra-quebra. Um ar de muita tristeza e indignação. Posso imaginar. Tanto o …

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Where did God start God’s mission in the Bible?

June_5We had the privilege of taking a missiology course given by Paul DeNeui, one of the professors at North Park seminary. As we discussed missiology, the question of where God’s mission started in the Bible came up.

In my small …

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The Enneagram – A Christian Perspective, Richard Rohr

enneagramHere’s a story about Jesus coming into the world.  Who do you relate to?

An Enneagram Sermon on Christmas by Dietrich Koller adapted by Andreas Ebert (taken from Richard Rohr’s book on the Enneagram)

When Jesus came into the world, …

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“Deus não joga dados com o universo”. Albert Einstein

Eu nunca imaginei que…

Esta semana estamos em Chicago. É tempo de treinamento. São duas semanas intensas de June_2muito aprendizado e informação. Manhã. Tarde. E a maioria das noites…

Estamos todos juntos conversando, trocando experiências, ouvindo, compartilhando os nossos projetos …

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