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Tagged With: Answered prayers

Meeting with IPEE

We met with the Executive Board of IPEE on Saturday.  IPEE is the Covenant National Chuch of Ecuador.  It was basically a meet and greet where we had the oportunity to introduce ourselves to everyone and tell them about ourselves.  …

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100% Supported!!!!

We have been busy and haven’t been able to post recently.  But we wanted to write a quick note and let you know that after being here for a few days we found out that we are 100% funded financially.  …

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Change of plans…

As most things in life go, 9 times out of 10, they don’t turn out how you think they will. As we write this, you may think we are sitting in our apartment in Ecuador…well, you would be wrong. We …

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Your prayers are answered!!!!

All our paperwork was in order and looked good, so we received our 2 Year Missionary Visas to Ecuador today.  Thank you so much for praying!!!

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Certified and Approved!

certifiedCongratulations goes out to my wonderful wife as she has successfully passed her Family Nurse Practitioner exam!!! So, she is now a Certified and Approved Family Nurse Practitioner. This is just one more milestone on our long road to getting …

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thermometer301THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!!  THANK YOU!!!  for  your response to our support letter.  Many of you have read it and decided to partner with us in our ministry in Ecuador.  We are excited to have you on our team!!!

We …

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