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Tagged With: Simeon

Simeon and the Wave!

We have had a pretty crazy schedule lately, basically since the middle of January.  We had the opportunity with a couple of days off so we were able to take a 3 day vacation to Same beach which is close …

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June Newsletter Available for Download


Our June newsletter is available for download (Just click the link above!). You can see what all has been happening with us since our last official update in March.  Also, please note the address for Covenant World …

Categories: Family Fun, Language Study, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Santo Domingo, Simeon, Tena, Travel | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mucho Travel this Week

We have a couple of different trips setup for this week.  Joel’s meeting at the Camp in Santo Domingo didn’t end up happening last Friday even though we were out there.  It has been rescheduled for this Friday so he …

Categories: Family Fun, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Santo Domingo, Simeon, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Trip Cancellation

We were planning on leaving on Wednesday and going to Santo Domingo this week and eventually out to Guayaquil for the Coastal District’s Annual Retreat at the beach but all of this got changed when the Black Plague hit the …

Categories: Family Fun, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Santo Domingo, Simeon, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Simeon’s FIRST Birthday!

We had the opportunity to celebrate Simeon’s FIRST birthdayon Saturday with friends from Ecuador.  At exactly 8:34 AM when he was born, Joel, Cheryll and I sang Happy Birthday and Cheryll prayed for him.  It was very special for us.   …

Categories: Family Fun, Simeon | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

Videos of Simeon on his 1st Birthday!

[youtube id=”SqCz8O9l01o”]

[youtube id=”rDybO6VDBcA”]

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The National Assembly

This past weekend we went back to Santo Domingo, but this time it wasn’t for the direct work that Joel has been doing.  This last weekend was IPEE’s (The Evangelical Covenant Church of Ecuador) Asamblea Nacional or “National Assembly”.  It …

Categories: Ministry, Prayer Requests, Santo Domingo, Simeon, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Our Time in the ‘South’


Simeon and I (Kim) recently spent a few days in South Quito with Simeon’s babysitter (Martita) and her family.  I must admit, I was a little nervous about it.  The whole goal was to be immersed in Spanish all the …

Categories: Family Fun, Language Study, Simeon, Travel | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Out of Reach

Hello all!  Just a quick note to let you all know that we are out of reach again this week.  Joel is in Santo Domingo again and Kim and Simeon are staying with our babysitter Martita and her family this …

Categories: Language Study, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Santo Domingo, Travel | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ministry Update

Here is a recent newsletter update that we sent out to Northwest Covenant Church in Mt. Prospect, IL and just thought everyone might be interested in reading:

“Our first month being back home in Ecuador has been an eventful one.  …

Categories: Language Study, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Santo Domingo, Travel | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment