Big Days for the Delps!

am-promptThis coming weekend will entail a couple of moments that we have both been waiting a long time for.  In Detroit this weekend, the Evangelical Covenant Church will be holding its 2013 Annual Meeting.  During the service on Friday night starting at 6:30 p.m., we will be commissioned as Long-term Missionaries.  We have felt the call to “long-term” missionary service since we got married in 2002, so it has only taken a little bit over 11 years before that day has finally come.  In addition to the commissioning part of this service, we will also have hands laid upon us and prayed for in the sanctuary with the membership of the Evangelical Covenant Church laying hands upon us and praying for us.  Finally, in this service we will also be one of the servers providing the communion elements for those participating.

In addition to this big event on Friday evening, we will also have a big moment on Saturday night.  During this service which starts at 6:00 p.m., we will both be receiving permanent ministerial credentials.  Joel will be ordained and Kim will be consecrated as a long-term missionary.  Both of these credentials will be permanent and will never need to renewed.

We mentioned the times because we know that not everyone is going to be able to make it to Detroit on Friday and Saturday night.  Well, guess what?  You don’t have to miss out.  They will be steaming both of these services live off of the website for the Annual Meeting.  If you are able, we would feel honored for your participation in this service through your computer.

Here’s the link to the website for the Annual Meeting where you can get the streamlined video:

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What’s happening in the Ecuadorian rain forest right now

Ecuador has been the news recently, see what’s happening here:

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Updated Ministry Calendar

  • June 26-30: Evangelical Covenant Church Annual Meeting for Commissioning, Consecration and Ordination, Detroit, MI
  • July 7-13: Joel to Covenant Point Bible Camp in Iron River, MI
  • July 13 & 14: Northwest Covenant Church, Mt. Prospect, IL
  • August 4: Evangelical Covenant Church, Donaldson, IN (Joel preaching)
  • August 11: Evangelical Covenant Church, Donaldson, IN
  • August 23: Faith Covenant Church, Essex, IA
  • August 25: Evangelical Covenant Church, Ceresco, NE
  • September 29: New Hope Church, Richland, MI
  • October 20: Pleasant View Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN (Missions Night service)

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We have some really good news!  Check this out:



For those of you who don’t know Spanish, this is a screenshot from the Ecuadorian Website for Higher Education that shows that both of Kim’s degrees (her Undergraduate Nursing degree from North Park and her Masters Nursing degree from Rush University) have both been accepted, recognized and approved.  This means that her Diplomas are now recognized by the Ecuadorian government so she is considered to be a Medical Professional in Ecuador.  If everything works out as had been previously discussed, once we return to Ecuador she just needs to do a one-year internship and then she will be licensed as a doctor in Ecuador.  Pretty exciting, huh?  Please continue to pray as Olguita Burbano continues to help Kim out in getting her internship placement where it will coincide with our future ministry plans.

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Updated Ministry Calendar

  • June 26-30: Evangelical Covenant Church Annual Meeting for Commissioning, Consecration and Ordination, Detroit, MI
  • July 7-13: Joel to Covenant Point Bible Camp in Iron River, MI
  • August 23: Faith Covenant Church, Essex, IA
  • August 25: Evangelical Covenant Church, Ceresco, NE
  • September 29: New Hope Church, Richland, MI

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The Process…



For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

                                                             -Jeremiah 29:11 

I feel when I originally thought about being a missionary, like most people, I thought you sign up and then GO!  It’s easy!  I’m glad it isn’t that way, but I also didn’t think it would take almost 10 years to get to where we are.  It has been a journey, difficult sometimes, times of questions and wondering what we are doing or not doing that is taking so long.
We’ve had people ask us along the way if we ever thought about quitting, about throwing in the towel and saying “we’re done”, it’s taking too long.  I guess I can honestly answer, no.  We never thought about throwing it in, like I said, there were questions along the way.  There was a time when I was in grad school that I failed a class and thought about quitting school, but I didn’t.  There were tears and there was even anger, likely more with myself, but some frustration with God for letting that happen and taking even MORE time in school.  When we both started school, right after getting married, again we thought it would be a couple of years and then we would go to the mission field.  We ended up in Chicago for 8 years.  In the midst of it, we probably wouldn’t have thought it was something we needed, hence all the questions as to why it took so long.  But, we can now look back on it and say that was a time of preparation that we needed before going to the mission field.  I suppose some people may just be able to sign up and GO!  Maybe they’re ready on the spot.  Heart-wise, we probably were too, but we realize had we gone at any other time than when we did, we wouldn’t have been there at the right time.  God set up the time of preparation for a reason, a purpose, bigger than us, but watching out for us and weaving together in us what He has for us.  We have seen in many steps along the way how God has woven it all together.  We were told when we first went to Ecuador in 2010 that we came at a great time in the history of the Ecuadorian Covenant Church.  We are thankful for this and we are blessed that God has prepared us to go at this time, in this way and in this place, our new home in Ecuador.
God truly has gone before us and has prepared our way!
Thanks be to God.

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Thank you Dawson Covenant Church!

DawsonI had a wonderful time worshiping today with Dawson Covenant Church in Dawson, MN.  There are some faithful, supportive people in western Minnesota that are a part of that church.  Thank you for the opportunity to share on Memorial Day weekend and may God bless you!  Thank you!


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THANK YOU New London ECC!!!

1771322We wanted to say Thank You to Pastor Kevin Melin and the Evangelical Covenant Church of New London, MN.  They had me (Joel) in on a special Wednesday evening get together to hear our story and about our project in Ecuador!  They were a delightful and very supportive bunch and had a very nice time meeting with them.  Thank you to Pastor Kevin for the invitation and the time together before our meeting and a very special Thank You to Margaret and Gerald Zilmer for their hospitality in giving me a bed for the night as well as a delicious breakfast.  God bless!


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Thank you First Covenant Church of Willmar and Winthrop Covenant Church

Kim and I both want to give a BIG THANK YOU to First Covenant Church Willmar and Winthrop Covenant Church for having us visit last Sunday, May 19th.  It was wonderful to be with you both, get to know you all, worship with you and have the  opportunity to share.  We very much enjoyed ourselves!  Thank you for the opportunity and may God bless you both, your communities and your ministries!

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Thank you Riverside Covenant Church!



We want to give a big THANK YOU to Riverside Covenant Church in West Lafayette, IN!!!  We had the pleasure of worshiping with them yesterday and had the opportunity to share with them in their Annual Youth Sunday.  It was a very powerful service and we felt privileged to be a part.  In spending just one quick Sunday with you all, we can see that you are a very loving and supportive Congregation.  Thanks for giving us the opportunity to be a part!

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