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Tagged With: Home Assignment

Living here and there and everywhere and being present in it all.

Image may contain: one or more people and basketball court

I wonder sometimes if people understand what the life of a missionary is like.  I think people want to.  I think people even TRY to, but I’m not sure that to “understand” is quite the right word.  Some may empathize …

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Updated Schedule

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Categories: 501c3, Family Fun, Home Assignment, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Thank you Little Artists International!

Last year, the International Little Artist Foundation in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin partnered with the Santiago Partnership and specifically the Home for at-risk children. Children from Turtle Creek Elementary school made and decorated backpacks to send to each child in the

Categories: 501c3, Home, Home Assignment, Ministry, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Updated Church Visit Schedule

Pictures from our visit to North Park Covenant Church in Machesney Park, IL this past Sunday.

And here is our updated church visits schedule:

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Crazy landing in the U.S.

It was crazy for us once we made it to the U.S. arriving from Ecuador.  Since landing in Minneapolis a little over a month ago, we had put over 5,000 miles on the vehicle, visited 13 churches, met with 18

Categories: 501c3, Ephraim, Esther, Family Fun, Home Assignment, Simeon, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Coming soon to a church near you!

Yes, that’s right.  Very soon we will be coming to a church near you.  On June 20th, we fly to Minneapolis, MN to be a part of the Covenant’s Annual Meeting which will be held there.  From the Annual Meeting,

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Back in Ecuador!

We made it back to our home in Quito, Ecuador this past Monday.  Our flight back was a little bit delayed as we were trying to determine if Grandma was in a stable spot and we were helping out with …

Categories: Esther, Family Fun, Home Assignment, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Simeon, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A visit to our home church, Northwest Covenant

NWCOVThis past Sunday we had the opportunity to visit our home church, Northwest Covenant Church in Mt. Prospect, IL.  Northwest Covenant is where we attended ever since we got married and moved to Chicago in 2002 up until we moved

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Livin the Crazy Life



We DO wish we could say we’re “livin'” the easy life” right now, but it seems to be quite the polar opposite of that.  We don’t want to be downers, but it has been a difficult few weeks and …

Categories: Home Assignment, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment


Though I have tried to put together some thoughts for writing this blog, for some reason the words just haven’t come very easily.  Maybe it is because there hasn’t been a whole lot of time TO put any thoughts together.  …

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