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Tagged With: Home Assignment

Starting a New Chapter

I (Kim) recently started working in mid-January as a hospitalist at a local hospital in Goshen, IN.  A hospitalist is just a fancy word for someone who admits patient’s to the hospital.  I am working in a group of 3 …

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Help Wanted!

You’ll soon be receiving our Christmas newsletter (if you haven’t already) and in it we explain how as Long-term Missionary Candidates our need for monthly supporters has gone up a great deal.  We currently have around an average of $3,700 …

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Delp Family Christmas Tradition

We started this tradition a few years ago while living in Chicago.  We have tried to modify it depending on where we live and Goshen is no different.  When we lived in Chicago, we would go to IHOP for breakfast, …

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Another blessing!

We just wanted to share another big way that they Lord has been working in our lives and our transition to life in the States for this time.  While we will be in the States for Home Assignment, we’ll be …

Categories: Family Fun, Home Assignment, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Simeon, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Where in the WORLD are those Delp’s?????

If you follow this blog often, you may have noticed we haven’t been blogging as much as normal and that’s pretty rare.  We really have been all over the place and this is one of the first chances we have …

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First Church Visit

Yesterday (October 28) we had our first church visit as Long-term Missionary Candidates.  We visited Evergreen Covenant Church in Sanford Maine where Frank Catalano is the pastor and his wife Austin works with children, women, does Sunday school as is …

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Different country, same story… ON THE ROAD AGAIN!

We are heading out on our first trip for church visits for Home Assignment.  We leave tomorrow October 24th and we won’t be returning to Indiana until the second week in November.  We’ll be heading all the way to the …

Categories: Home Assignment, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Blessing in a…CAR!

A family picture with the new family car

Today we were very blessed by the gift of a car to use for the year, given from Kim’s parents.  As you may well realize, we will be doing a lot of

Categories: Home Assignment, Prayer Requests, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

What we’ve been up too…

Some of you may have wondered what we have been up to for the last week or so since returning back to the States from Ecuador.  Well, it’s safe to say…ALOT!

We told you about our recent interview a week …

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1 Down…

We had our first of 3 interviews today with Covenant World Mission.  Specifically today, we had our dual interview (meaning we interviewed together) with Covenant World Mission Committee of the Executive Board.  That’s quite the mouthful!  It was a large …

Categories: Home Assignment, Updates | Tags: , , | 1 Comment