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Tagged With: Family Fun

Birthdays in September

We celebrated 3 Birthdays in September with a big Birthday Party on Tuesday evening.  It’s was Caleb’s (the son of Henry and Olgita Burbano’s) first birthday and Chris and Jenny Hoskins both celebrated their birthdays this month.  It was lots …

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Trip to Guayaquil

We had an awesome trip to the coastal city of Guayaquil this last weekend.  Guayaquil is the largest city in Ecuador (yes… a little bit bigger than Quito) and is the country’s main port.  It has a very different feel …

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Good Times!

Tonight we had leadership from IPEE (the Covenant Church of Ecuador) as well as friends from Covenant World Mission headquarters in Chicago plus our missionary team (minus one from the Coast). It was a great time of prayer, dreaming and …

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1st Trip to the Amazon!!!!

We just got back from the Amazon!  Pretty cool, eh?  We actually didn’t go in the deep just yet.  Mainly just on the edge.

We had the wonderful opportunity to go with our Spanish teacher, Olgita Burbano and her husband …

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