Moving Days

Well, we have been extremely busy and haven’t had much time to give updates and post pictures so we are going to try to do a bunch here today to update you on what has been going on with us.

Not sure if you know or not, but we recently moved…. well… kind of.  You see we had been living in a temporary furnished apartment in Quito since we had arrived back in March.  It was a good landing pad for us as we didn’t need to come up with all of our stuff immediately (appliances, furniture, personal belongings, etc).  Also, since the plan was that our container would be arriving in April or May, we could live there until much more of our stuff arrived on the container and we would have more of our stuff for filling our new apartment.  Well, as you know, the second part of that plan did not work out as we had hoped as the container still has not been sent (more on that in a bit) and so we haven’t received our stuff from the States yet.

Nevertheless, the baby is a comin’ and so we needed to figure out where we would be living long-term or short-long-term or basically the next 1 to 2 years of our lives.  We had originally been thinking we would move to Cayambe for a year while Kim would be doing her 1-year rural internship there.  However, since that has not worked out how we have been hoping/planning, we decided to go with Plan “B.”  Plan B is that we decide to get an apartment in North Quito, basically the most northern part of Quito that you can get which is on the way to Cayambe.  In getting an apartment there, we would be able to slip out of Quito quickly (if that’s possible) and travel up to Cayambe in about 45 mins on a  normal traffic day.

So, that is what we have done.  In the beginning of May, we signed a 1-year lease on an apartment in Carcelen Alto, a sector of Quito in the north.  Pictures will come a little bit later.

Our days before we traveled to the States were a bit crazy as we were moving all of our belongings that we have in Ecuador (out of our current apartment and out of storage unit) into our new apartment.  In addition to that, we also were purchasing and having delivered all of our new appliances and furniture for the apartment.  Safe to say it was a lot of work as Joel even pulled an all-nighter one night getting it all done.  There are some before and after pictures below that show the good use of our new van for this process.  Simeon was the photographer on the second one.

So, we are moved into our new apartment… kind of.  Basically, everything is in there, but we still need to unpack and do everything for setting up the place.  It will be a lot of work still but we do really like the place so it should be a lot of fun!





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The Rocha Family

The majority of the Rocha family, although missing a couple after lunch on Sunday by the Panecillo

The majority of the Rocha family, although missing a couple after lunch on Sunday by the Panecillo

We had the great opportunity to host the majority of the Rocha family last weekend.  In case you forgot who the Rocha’s are, they are the administrators of the Covenant Camp in Santo Domingo.  In November and December, Rueben and the family faced many challenges as far as Reuben’s health.  You may remember some of our previous posts about it.  Rueben had pancreatitis, had 2 surgeries, his duodenum was punctured during the second surgery and he and the family were told multiple times that he would likely not live.  We are happy to say he is ALIVE AND WELL!  PRAISE BE TO GOD!  It was such an amazing time to spend with them.

We went to Old Quito and spent time there and had a nice time together.  On Sunday, they went to church with us and because so many people had prayed for them, there was a testimony time where both Reuben and Amparo gave their testimonies.  Although quite emotional, it was such a wonderful time of sharing.  I believe the time really blessed and encouraged many in the church.  Amparo also recently lost her brother to a motorcycle accident.  It was such an encouragement to us to hear and experience with them what they have faced and to see how God has truly worked a miracle in their lives!

It is difficult, (especially for me, Kim, in Spanish) to express how much we love and appreciate this family.  They are such an example to us.  They love Simeon as one of their own and care for him that way.  They are examples of consistency and faith in each adventure or hardship they face.  They face it “con fe” or “with faith”.  Life is not always easy, but they have been examples to us of faith, strength and encouragement in the midst of hardship.  We praise God for them and the work He has done and IS doing in their lives.  Gracias a Dios!

Reuben giving his testimony








The Rocha's and Delp's

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Oh, just a bunch of stuff…

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.  John 14:27

Well, there are many things to update you all on, but I wanted to start off with the verse above, again given to us to encourage us and strengthen our spirits.  THANK YOU for praying for us during our major time of transition and craziness.  We appreciate it more than we can express and we pray that YOU may feel God’s peace in the midst of what your hearts are facing in this day.

On the Licensing Front…


We posted on facebook yesterday about our meeting with the president of the Ministry of Health here.  We were able to walk right in at 1:30 yesterday and talk to him.  Simeon was even sitting in on the conversation watching his DVD player and Frozen.  How different life can be here.  🙂  He listened to us and looked over the paperwork.  He was very positive and very kind and actually said we are in a great place since I am pregnant and we have a 4 year old.  Other than someone with a disability we have 1st priority in choosing where we want to do our rural training.  He gave us the website to look at the requirements and then the names of 2 people who are the directors of this.  It is good we found out about this because the selection process ends very soon.  We had a friend call about setting up an appointment today.  She was subsequently told there is another person to talk to about this.  We have an appointment with this person today at 3PM.    We appreciate your continued prayers for this and will continue to keep you updated.

On the Container front…

We have been in contact with multiple people regarding the container.  We are working on talking with someone that works in the company that does the processing of containers.  We are not having a lot of luck with this.  It may be that Joel needs to go to Guayaquil, the coastal city where the container would come through to discuss the requirements necessary.  From the U.S. end, we have a shipping company and have tentative dates to pack the container, but the paperwork has to be done or at least in the process on the Ecuador end.  Please continue to pray.


Last week we signed a lease on an apartment.  It is on the road out to Cayambe, but still in the city of Quito.  It will only take us about 30-40 minutes or so to get to Cayambe where we hope to have my rural training and obviously where the ministries will be.  We are excited to have a place to live that is more than temporary.  The landlord is very nice and is allowing us to move our stuff in and then start paying rent in June.  We will have pictures eventually.

Rumors of Travel to the States?

Yes, if you have heard or read about the possibility of traveling to the States, you are correct.  We have been waiting to see when the best time would be to travel back to spend time with Joel’s family.  Ruth, Joel’s mom has been placed on hospice and is no longer taking the chemo medications.  Although she has gained strength since being out of the hospital, we do not know what the future holds.  With Kim being due quite soon with our 2nd child, we wanted to travel back prior to delivery.  So our plans are to travel on Monday, May 12 and be in Indiana for about 2 weeks with tentative plans to return back to Ecuador on May 26.  Please pray for us and Joel’s family during this time.  There are more difficult times ahead and preparing for the future.  This will not be easy but we pray for a wonderful time with family and enjoying each other and our days together.

Update on Simeon

Simeon has been having some difficulty with not liking school to say the least.   He has 3 more days at his current school.  We will then be going to the States for 2 weeks and then going to be moving.  He is excited to be done.  Please pray for him in these next couple of months.  As if he hasn’t had enough transition in the last couple of months, he will be having many more with the new baby, going back to the States, coming back to Ecuador, moving again, etc.  I know how much people say children on resilient, and they are, but that doesn’t mean these things don’t effect him and stress him as they do us.  Please pray for him specifically during this extra time of transition as well as other MK’s (Missionary Kids).  It’s not easy for them.















How’s the baby?????

We went to see the OB yesterday and he gave us permission to travel to the States.  He said everything looks good and that the worst thing that could happen is we deliver in the States.  We are thankful for such a great doctor and we will also be seeing our previous midwife in the States while we’re there.

So, that is our update.  We are encouraged at what God is doing in our hearts.  It has been difficult days for us, with many tears, but we realize GOD IS WORKING.  We don’t always understand the process, but He is in it and He is in front of it.  We are encouraged.  Blessings in this day from Ecuador!


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On the Licensing Front…

imagesWe had our meeting today with the former president, whom we had talked with previously.  He actually told us he is still the president and the other person we talked to was the Vice President.  In reality, it doesn’t really matter.  He was very nice.  That was a good change from our previous try.  My friend, Olga went with me and she was great at explaining (quickly, since apparently we were late and he was waiting on us) things up to now.  He said he briefly remembered us from 2 years ago.  We explained what had recently happened.  He told us that going through the Federation or the College of doctors is currently optional.  The law has recently changed making this not something that we have to do, only if we WANT to.  His recommendation at this time is to take all of our paperwork to the Ministry of Health here.  He gave us the name of the director of the Ministry of Health AND his cell phone number to contact him directly to make an appointment.  He recommended us writing a petition for what we want and where we want to do my rural training.  He said since I’m pregnant, I have priority in where I go!  (SWEET!).  The selection process for where to go is in 2 weeks, so we have to get going on contacting him.  The current president said that it will be the decision of the Ministry of Health if my rural training will be as a doctor or nurse.

SO, we have a different plan of what to do.  Not sure how it will turn out, but we are moving forward (a centimeter at a time).

Please continue to pray for openness with these doctors we are talking to.  We are thankful that the doctor we talked to today went above and beyond in helping us and was very nice in doing so.  Please pray that the next doctor will be open as well to licensing me here as a doctor.

Please pray that timing-wise, things will work out.  Basically that we can get this worked out before May 8th when we go back to the States.

Thank you for your continued prayers and concern surrounding this.  We appreciate it so much!

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2nd Trip to Cayambe

We, the whole family, went up to Cayambe again today and this time we brought friends, Pastor Washington, a pastor friend from one of the Quito Covenant churches, Marcela Tapia, the Secretary General for FACE and one of the members of our Board of Directors, and Dr. Ivan Chuchi, who is a doctor in Quito.  We wanted to take Pastor Washing and Dr. Ivan up to see the project and talk more about future possibilities.  What ended up happening was a major meeting that also included Rolando Escola, the President of FACE, Pastor Jose Tuquerres, the pastor of the church we are partnering with for the first home and clinic and Pastor Alberto, the pastor of a Covenant Church nearby who is also the coordinator for the Quechua district of Covenant Churches.

It was a great meeting talking together through many details and about many possibilities.  It was a great time of dreaming together about the future.  Here’s a picture of our “coffee time” after the meeting which included coffee, Ecuadorian biscotti, cheese, dulce de leche and then a complete pork lunch with yuca, potatoes, and freshly squeezed tree tomato juice.  Yum!



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A visit with Evergreen Covenant Church

We were privileged to have the Evergreen Covenant Church 2014 mission team here in Ecuador for a week.  They have been working in Zuleta Ecuador which is up north.  Zuleta is a Quechua village, and indigenous group of people who are descendants of the Incas.  Zuleta has made a name for itself for creating and selling the cheese that it produces to major supermarkets across the country.  It is also known for its embroidery.  For the president’s inaugural speech here in Ecuador, he wore a shirt that was embroidered by a lovely lady from Zuleta.  Those that embroider in Zuleta are now selling what they made in Quito, the market in Otavalo and other places around the country.

The team is working with the Covenant Church in Zuleta as well as the Compassion International Center that is there.  We helped them with their first trip here, a Vision Team of just a few individuals from their church and so we are so excited to see them return for the 3rd time to experience and help in Ecuador.

Joel and Henry went up to Zuleta to be with them for one day during their time as we as we will be had them over this past Sunday for dinner and to learn more about them and reconnect with those we know.  Also, before the majority of the team came down we had the opportunity to spend time with our friends Richard and Tara Euler.  We took them around Quito and they went with us to church and came over for Easter dinner.

Evergreen and individuals from their church are monthly supporters of ours and we are so thankful and grateful that they are standing beside us.



The project for the week – construct a Retention Wall


The Evergreen Team is known for their “parachute”


Tara & Richard seeing the sites of Quito



The team leading a VBS style time with the kids in Zuleta

The team's final meal at Crepes & Waffles (Picture by Simeon)
The team’s final meal at Crepes & Waffles (Picture by Simeon)


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Upate and Petition for Continued Prayer


This is a very difficult update to write.  We are writing it together.

Do you ever have those days where you have so many problems in that day that you you feel that you shouldn’t have ever gotten out of bed?  Well, we are feeling that this is the YEAR that we shouldn’t have ever gotten out of bed!!!!

It just seems like this year we have been faced with just an incredibly inordinate amount of problems and roadblocks that seem to be slowing up or causing major “bumps” in the roads.

Well, here’s the latest.  Just to recap, and this recap is a little bit long so please bear with us.  When we were finishing up our first term as short-term missionaries, Kim and our good friend Olguita Burbano went together to speak to the then president of the Medical Federation of Ecuador, basically the group who licenses doctors.  This man was very kind and was extremely open to Kim serving medically in Ecuador.  After a brief synopsis of Kim’s background and education, he said that she simply needed to get her degrees officially registered in Ecuador and then after that she would just need to do a 1-year rural internship and then she could be licensed as a doctor.  Even though she is a Nurse Practitioner and not a doctor, since they don’t have Nurse Practitioners in Ecuador, the president figured that the doctoral position was the closest equivalent of what they do have here that would fitting with her training and experience.  So, all of this was back in 2012 when we were finishing up our first term.

During 2013, Olguita was able to get both of Kim’s degrees registered in Ecuador.  She now has her Bachelors and Masters in Nursing both fully recognized in Ecuador.

Here’s what this registration looks like on the Ecuadorian website:


So, it was just a matter of going back to see the president of the medical federation to move on to the next step of having her rural internship placement decided upon.  Though she wanted to and tried to, Olguita was unsuccessful in her attempts to meet with the president because there was a major country-wide debate going on about medical malpractice laws, in which the president of the medical federation was highly involved, as you could imagine.  This situation was finally resolved after much time around the same time we were arriving in Ecuador, and so Olguita and Kim decided to go in together around the end of March/beginning of April.

Because of all of our extremely busy schedules, that didn’t end up happening until around the second week of April.  When we went in, the president of the federation wasn’t available and we found out that actually, there is now a new president and this president is from a coastal city and so he isn’t available in Quito as often.  However, with the people that were available, we were able to figure out that now that there is a commission who decides such matters and would decide whether Kim is eligible for a rural internship or not and if she is, where she would be placed for that internship.  They said that we needed to bring all of Kim’s official documents (diplomas, transcripts, licenses from the States) as well as an official request letter as to what Kim was wanting and that the commission would look everything over and decide upon it.

This past Thursday we went in with Henry Burbano, Olguita’s husband and President of the Covenant Church of Ecuador, to turn in these documents and try to meet with the president of the federation to try to plead our case.  The president was not available but we were told we could come back the next day (yesterday) during a certain time to meet with him.  Henry was going to be traveling to Colombia so he wasn’t going to be available, so we meet with a new friend of ours, Dr. Roberto Contreras, Director of SIFAT Ecuador, to see if he could go with us in support.  Thankfully, he was able to fit us into his busy schedule and on such short notice.

So, yesterday was the day that we were finally going to meet with the president of the Ecuadorian Medical Federation to plead Kim’s case and we did.  Unfortunately, his opinion over the situation was NOT the same as the previous president’s.  He explained that they do not have Nurse Practitioners in Ecuador (which we knew of course) and since her degree says that she is a nurse, she must be a nurse in Ecuador.

That was it.  We didn’t really have time to explain Kim’s background and experience and such.  The issue was very clear to him.

We asked about the commission that was available to decide such matters and he said that we can leave Kim’s paperwork with the secretary and that the commission will review it, but he said that as president, he has much influence over this commission and we know what his opinion is.

Before leaving the office, we decided to speak with the secretary about the availability and location of the previous president to see if there was anything that could be done in his opinion.  She was able to tentatively setup a meeting with him on Tuesday late afternoon, so we are going to try to meet with him then.

This is obviously a crushing blow for us… though we know that things are not decided upon for sure… the picture does look pretty bleak.  We ask you to continue to pray that the final decision will be different from what the president of the federation has indicated.

In the big picture, this doesn’t change things a whole lot.  We, the Santiago Partnership and FACE together, are needing to hire a currently licensed doctor to open the clinic anyways.  So, we can open the clinic as planned sometime over this coming summer.  Our plans are NOT changing in the least.  A good immediate backup plan is that Kim can serve as the Medical Director of the project until the licensing issue is figured out.

What’s more at issue is the long-term and Kim’s medical licensing in Ecuador and how that was going to work into the equation of everything we are planning.  Of course with this kind of a blow, Kim is feeling like all of her time spent in graduate school and all of our planning in this way has been a waste (though she also knows that’s not really true… it’s just hard not to feel that way after hearing news like this) and that everything that she has worked so hard for and feels called to is not being accepted in Ecuador.

So, we are a bit down and sad once again, which seems to be an uncanny pattern for us for 2014, a year we thought would be filled with much hope and excitement and good news!  And there has been that also as we have been so surrounded by love from our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Ecuador and have of course felt the love from you all, our friends and supporters in the States, and that love which comes from our Heavenly Father.

In times like these, we rest on our call.  We know that God has called us.  He has called us to this ministry and to Ecuador.  We have no idea how all of this will work out and how Kim will be licensed properly in Ecuador, but we do know that He has called us and when we have received this call, He will care for us and work out the details.  We know that those details aren’t always worked out in the ways and timing that we have in order but for what He has in order and that we just need to be patient and open to Him.

We’ll close with a song by Steve Green that we’ve been singing in our heads throughout our times like these.  It’s based on Philippians 1:6.

He Who Began a Good Work

He who began a good work in you
He who began a good work in you
Will be faithful to complete it
He’ll be faithful to complete it
He who started the work
ll be faithful to complete it in you

If the struggle you’re facing
Is slowly replacing
Your hope with despair
Or the process is long
And you’re losing your song
In the night you can be sure
That the Lord has His hand on you
Safe and secure
He will never abandon you
You are His treasure
And He finds His pleasure in you

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Prayer Request about Licensing in Ecuador


We are once again asking for prayer regarding my licensing in Ecuador.  There has been a new development and we are asking for prayer today between 12 and 12:30 central time.  We have a meeting set up with the president of the Medical Federation in Ecuador, similar to the AMA in the States.  We met with him last week and he told us all that we were to do to get this moving.  Well, we got all of the paperwork together and went to take it in yesterday to the office only to be told that we had to do something else.  What they asked us to do isn’t really possible and this is a step that the president did not think we needed.  Anyway, we requested an appointment and we have that tomorrow “between 12 and 12:30.”  I put that in parenthesis because who knows what time it may be. It’s not an official appointment, he is traveling in from the coast and so this time is pretty lax depending on when he arrives.

Additionally, there is a doctor that Joel had an appointment with today who works with U.S. medical teams that come down to Ecuador.  His name is Dr. Roberto Contreras. He will be going with us tomorrow as well.  Please pray that we are able to communicate effectively the things needed, that the doctor will be semi-on-time so as not to waste our friend’s time, that the doctor will be receptive and open to making a special situation and exception for us,  and that the decision will be made in a timely fashion for my rural training to be in or near Cayambe.
Also tomorrow, we have a meeting with a doctor who could help open the clinic.  This is a doctor that is in the Covenant here in Ecuador which is encouraging.  Again, please pray for our communication to be effective and that this door may be opened.

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Books we are Reading and Update on Ruthie

I, Kim, am currently reading this book, Sitting at the feet of Rabbi Jesus, How the Jewishness of Jesus can Tranform your Faith.  This book was actually recommended to me by

downloadJoel’s mom, Ruthie.  When she was reading this book, she talked to me about the woman who was healed just by touching the hem of His garment.  This was just about the time she found out she was diagnosed with recurrent cancer and this was so significant for her.  In the book it says

“The hem would have signified Jesus’ identity and authority.  What’s more, the place where the tassels were attached would have been considered that holiest part of His garment.  So it seems likely that the woman knew exactly what she was reaching for.  Jesus’ purity was so great that instead of becoming defiled by her touch, it healed her impurity.  What a beautiful picture of the power of Christ’s holiness to heal and to bless.”

We pray that God will heal Ruthie, because we know He can.  Healing comes in many ways, but as I read through this section of the book about healing, I was so humbled by the faith Ruthie had to be healed by her Savior.  May we all have this faith as we pray for her healing.  There is a prayer that Ruthie prayed with this called the Amidah.  It is a central prayer of Jewish liturgy for well over 2,000 years.



Blessed are you, O Lord our God and God of our fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, the great, mighty and revered God, the Most High God who bestows loving kindnesses, the creator of all things, who remembers the good deeds of the patriarchs and in love will bring a redeemer to their children’s children for his name’s sake. O king, helper, savior and shield. Blessed are you, O Lord, the shield of Abraham.


You, O Lord, are mighty forever, you revive the
dead, you have the power to save. [From the end of Sukkot until the eve
of Passover, insert: You cause the wind to blow and the rain to fall.]
You sustain the living with lovingkindness, you revive the dead with great
mercy, you support the falling, heal the sick, set free the bound and keep
faith with those who sleep in the dust. Who is like you, O doer of mighty
acts? Who resembles you, a king who puts to death and restores to life,
and causes salvation to flourish? And you are certain to revive the dead.
Blessed are you, O Lord, who revives the dead.


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Visit to Cayambe

We recently visited Cayambe which is going to be the site of the first home and medical clinic.  We met with Pastor Jose and took a tour of the completed clinic.  We also had a wonderful time of dreaming and visioning together.  Pastor Jose has an ultimate dream of building a laboratory on the first floor of the clinic.  This is very exciting for us.  In touring the clinic and talking with Pastor Jose, we gained a lot of information that we were wondering about as far as set up.  Now, we have in mind next steps to take which is good for us.

We also recently had a meeting with both the president of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Ecuador, Henry Burbano and the president of FACE, Roland Escola, (the social outreach branch of the Covenant here for which our project will be under) to also discuss next steps.  It was an encouraging time and exciting to see that they are both as anxious as we are to get things moving.  Here are some next steps that you all can be praying for…

~Setting up Kim’s rural training.  We are hoping this will be in Cayambe, but it will be decided by the Ecuadorian Medical Association.  All this paperwork was turned in on Thursday April 24.  We petitioned for this to be in Cayambe or somewhere close.  Pray it will be so.  Just to recap…after this year of rural training is completed, Kim will hopefully be given a medical license here to practice as a physician.

~Finding a physician to be responsible for the clinic.  Since Kim is not licensed yet, there has to be a doctor who will take responsibility for the clinic until Kim is licensed.  We are looking into this now as well as all of our partners here.  We hope to be able to find a Covenant doctor who believes in the mission in Cayambe.  This physician has to be in place before the clinic can open.

~We are also working on trying to find a coordinator with FACE that will help lead the project.  This coordinator will do a lot of the background work with the government, etc, etc.  Please pray for a person who is not only qualified, but passionate about working and helping kids.

~Finding land for the home.  Although not all of the funds are raised yet for building the first home in Cayambe, we are going to start looking for land to hopefully start building in August.  Please pray the land will be provided (and at a good price) and that the funds would come in for that.  If you want to donate towards purchasing land, you can give at our website…

~Container update.  We discussed the contents of the container with Henry and Rolando and they were also on board with trying to rush things a bit.  We scratched working with the lady we were working with since it had been a month and nothing happened and are going back to the drawing board.  Luckily we have people working with us that know how to get things done.  Please pray for the container and all its contents to be shipped here quickly!

So, although there are a lot of things to get done, we are VERY excited that God is working.  Because He is, in spite of us and for us, He is working.  He was already working before we got here!  Praise the Lord for what He is doing and what He is going to do!

Here are some pictures of the clinic:

Primary Exam Room

Primary Exam Room







Dental Exam Room

Dental Exam Room



Waiting Area

Waiting Area



Autoclave for sterilizing medical intruments

Autoclave for sterilizing medical intruments



We were treated to delicious biscoches (Educadorian biscotti) from Cayambe

We were treated to delicious biscoches (Educadorian biscotti) from Cayambe



Simeon made a new friend who lives at the church

Simeon made a new friend who lives at the church


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