IPEE’s Annual Meeting

We just got back from attending IPEE’s Annual Meeting in Santo Domingo in which Joel received the special designation of having his Ordination Recognized by IPEE, so he is now considered to be an Ordained Minister in Ecuador in addition to the United States.  It was a very special event not only because all of the ordained ministers had their ordinations reaffirmed through the receiving of stolls but also because Curt Peterson, the ECC’s Executive Minister of World Mission, was in attendance and was a part of the event.  Enjoy the pictures!


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Welcome Wally!

We have a Garret Theological Seminary Student spending time with us this week.  His name is Wally Kelly and we actually go back quite a while from when we used to both attend Northwest Covenant Church together.  We look forward to spending time with Wally and getting the chance to show off our beautiful country!  Welcome Wally!


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Laboratory Construction Picture Update

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Our container of medical donations has arrived to the Port of Guayaquil, Ecuador!!! Please pray that it is released quickly so we don’t face extra charges! (Not actual photo)


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It was sad to see our team from New Harvest come and go so quickly but we are incredibly thankful for everything they could accomplish in their short time here.  Thank you for your partnership in ministry!

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New Harvest Team Arrives

We were happy to welcome a work team from New Harvest Christian Church of Oregon, OH after they had a day and half flight delay problem making their way to Ecuador.  Though they were weary from travel, they quickly got to work on the home for at risk children in Cayambe!

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Back in Ecuador!

We made it back to our home in Quito, Ecuador this past Monday.  Our flight back was a little bit delayed as we were trying to determine if Grandma was in a stable spot and we were helping out with her.  But after a little bit over a month of spending time with grandma, who has terminal cancer, and grandpa, we are finally back in Ecuador and getting our lives setup here again.  It was an important month for us as we know that grandma won’t be with us forever and we wanted to spend good time with her and the rest of the family over the holidays.  Here are some pictures that show a little bit of our time there.


Esther Esther_Bailey Esther_googles Esther2 Esther3 Family Family_Christmas_2014 Family_Puzzle Geandma_Simeon_Esther Grandma_Esther Grandma_Esther2 Grandma_Esther3 Grandma_Grandpa_Grandkids Grandma_Grandpa_kids Grandma_Simeon Grandma_Simeon_hands Kim_Simeon_dinosaurs Necklace Simeon_Braedyn Simeon_Elephant Simeon_Esther Simeon_Esther_presents Simeon_Esther2 Simeon_Grandma_cookies Simeon_Reenna_skateboard Simeon_snowman


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Construction Progress made

See how far we’ve come in construction on the home for at risk children in the past year!

_July 1st _July 12th _July 30th August 4th August 8th September 4th September 18th September 20th September 27th September 28th z__October 2nd z__October 10th z__October 16th

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Christmas newsletter!

Click here to read our Christmas newsletter!

Christmas Newsletter 2014

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Construction continues… just not on the home

Construction continues in Cayambe, just not on the Home for At Risk Children.  Though it is not yet open, we are already expanding the services of the Medical Clinic.  We will providing the the services of a laboratory so that we can give a higher level of care for the people of the greater Cayambe area.  Check out the pictures to see how the construction (and destruction) is progressing.

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Our field of onions is really growing

Our field of onions is really growing

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