A week ago we finished up our Medical Caravan in Lote Cuatro in seeing 60 more patients. Thank you to Doug Zoltani and Kara Mulvihill for your help!!!
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Serving Christ in Ecuador |
Such a simple thing…hydrocortisone cream. We use it frequently for a multitude of reasons. Who would of thought a simple packet of cortisone cream could open my eyes to God’s grace and mercy and TIMING! To set the stage. I had been seeing patients on a Wednesday. I saw a young boy and his mother for what seemed like a fairly simple problem. However, what would help the boy was hydrocortisone cream. I didn’t have any that I could find in the clinic so I wrote a prescription for them to fill at a local pharmacy. When I do this, it is always unclear if patients will be able to fill it or not and I felt bad about this, but there really wasn’t a whole lot I could do because I didn’t have the medicine. I saw other patients and was basically finished for the day except for unpacking a couple of boxes. We had recently received the container and were still going through a lot of the boxes. The last box I opened was a box full of Hydrocortisone cream! At that same moment, the boy I had previously seen and his mother walked by. I was able to give them the medication the boy needed. Is it a simple thing? Of course. I may have dismissed it because it was so simple, but to see how God even worked out something SO small in such a simple way was ONLY His hand at work. So, as simple as it was, it was a reminder how God works together the small things. I’m thankful for the simple things!
Joel was able to help with a Vision Team from the Covenant Church in Dassel, Minnesota this past week. The purpose of a Vision Team is to help them see, meet and get to know various Covenant churches and ministries in Ecuador so they can know how to partner with these churches/ministries in the future. The team had 7 members from the church, including the pastor. We visited 4 different Quechua communities in the northern part of the country, as well as our project in Cayambe, the national church offices in Quito as well as our home church in Quito. On Sunday, Joel translated for the pastor from Dassel during the service. Here are some pictures from their time: