Smoking Cotopaxi

The Volcano Cotopaxi remains active in south Quito.  This morning on the way taking Simeon to school this was the view we had.


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Sabbath Retreat

sab-rst  On Friday Joel will be leaving for a Sabbath Retreat so he can continue on his goal to reduce the stress and overall workload in his life.  You can read about when he last talked about this and his beard here:

Here is the explanation of what a Sabbath Retreat is:

Sabbath retreats are an opportunity for Covenant pastors, missionaries, and chaplains, offering the chance to revisit the practice of holy rest. Over the course of two-and-a-half days, participants will find the space to pause in the presence of God, moving through the Sabbath rhythms of relinquishing, receiving, and resting.

For me, I feel as though this re-commitment to a healthier me needs to start with God, reconnecting with Him in a new way and rededicating myself to the ritual of Holy Rest.  Please pray for me that this retreat is successful to this end and God works in a mighty way in my life.

Please also pray for Kim and the kids as I will be gone almost 6 days with all of the travel time needed for this retreat.  Thankfully, Kim’s mom Noritta and Aunt Donna will be here to help with the kids.  However, we have been going through an incredibly busy time since Ephraim was born so I feel like I am leaving her during a tough time.  I trust that God is leading this process and will care for her and the kids will I am gone, especially through the assistance of family.  Please pray!

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Minga, minga, minga!

We love whom we serve alongside! Yesterday, we held a minga (community volunteerism event) with the churches from the Kichwa Conference and the Central Conference (Quito area) of Covenant churches and over 30 good folks came out to help plant potatoes and continue the construction of the home. It was quite a site and such a tremendous blessing to have their partnership in ministry!

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Welcome family!

Noritta_DonnaThis past Tuesday, Kim’s mom Noritta and Aunt Donna arrived to help out with us with Ephraim’s recent arrival.  They will be here with us for a couple of weeks.  Welcome Noritta and Donna!!!

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Some pictures of the kids

We are a happy family of five and as we have been spending a lot of time with the children as we are adjusting to having Ephraim with us, we have been taking some photos along the way.  We just thought we would share so you can enjoy!


Simeon’s first day of Kindergarten!

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The Power of Prayer


On September 1st, we received this email from Sharon Martin, a friend who, with her husband, Frank provide pastoral care and prayer support for missionaries:

On Wednesday, August 26, Frank and I left the office at 3:30 pm, an hour early.  He had to speak at Brookhaven Wesleyan that evening, so wanted a little time to go over his notes.   I decided to use the time to walk on the treadmill before preparing supper.  When I walk, I always begin by talking to the Lord and thanking Him for the day.  As I was walking, about 4:15 or 4:30, the Lord clearly spoke to my heart and said,” Pray for Kim and the safe delivery of their baby.”  I immediately did that. However, I thought to myself but I just saw Noritta today at the office and she said that Kim would have a C-section on Labor Day. God,is there an urgency??

After we arrived home that night, it was time for Frank and I to have our prayer time together before going to bed.  I always check FB for any updated prayer needs before we pray.  My heart was overwhelmed when I read what Joel had posted about the early arrival of Ephraim.  I told Frank that we sure serve a mighty God who can change our schedule and get us to pray even when we don’t know why.

Just wanted you both to know how much God loves you and your precious family.  So thankful for your obedient hearts to serve Him.  We are privileged to be on your prayer team. 

May God bless you all and keep your hearts encouraged.   Jeremiah 29:11

Love and prayers,


We were able to share with Sharon after receiving this email that it was during that time (4:15 – 4:30) on that day that we went through a 5 minute period in which Ephraim’s heartbeat couldn’t be found and why Kim was rushed into surgery for the C-Section.  It was an incredibly difficult time for us as Joel was rushing around trying to take care of the details of the care for our other two children as well clothes for our hospital stay.  We don’t know if God called our friend Sharon to pray to keep Ephraim safe during that time or possibly just for us as we were having such a hard time but either way it is amazing to see how God so wants His children to commune with Him and petition for those in need.  We serve a great and mighty God!


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Muchas Gracias!!!


Well, we were released from the hospital yesterday (Saturday, the 29th) and it was a shock to be at home and now be a family of 5!  We are so happy of course but it will take some time to adjust.  Thankfully our transition was made much easier because we have some wonderful and loving missionary friends who filled our refrigerator and freezer full of meals for what is easily the next week.  Thank you to Mandy and Ricardo Hjelm-Suarez and Erik and Kristina Amundsen as they went out of our their way to bless us in this time of great blessing!!

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A Surprise Arrival!


Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
One generation commends your works to another;
they tell of your mighty acts.
They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—
and I will meditate on your wonderful works.
They tell of the power of your awesome works—
and I will proclaim your great deeds.
They celebrate your abundant goodness
and joyfully sing of your righteousness.
The Lord is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and rich in love.
The Lord is good to all;
he has compassion on all he has made.
All your works praise you, Lord;
your faithful people extol you.
They tell of the glory of your kingdom
and speak of your might,
so that all people may know of your mighty acts
and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
and your dominion endures through all generations.
Psalm 145

Weighing 4 lbs 11 ounces with a length of 18 inches, Ephraim Benjamin Delp was born on Wednesday, August 26th at 5:05 p.m.  Since he was born a little early, the doctors are monitoring him closely but all signs are good at this point.  We can’t thank you enough for your prayers during this trying day.  We praise God for his goodness to us and Ephraim!

Ephraim was born at 37 weeks gestation but only had the measurements of a baby of around 35 weeks.  Our day started with a typical weekly prenatal checkup in the morning at 9:30 to see how Kim and baby #3 were doing.  Simeon stayed with mom for the appointment (he likes to listen to the baby’s heartbeat) while Joel and Esther dropped them off and went off to run errands.  We didn’t have any reason for concern so Joel went to get some stuff accomplished while they were in the appointment.  Unfortunately, we quickly learned there were reasons for concern as the fetal monitor non-stress test showed that the baby’s heartbeat was low.  The doctor was concerned about this so he wanted Kim to get an ultrasound.  The ultrasound unfortunately provided inconclusive results, so the doctor asked that she be admitted to the hospital so that way a stress test could be performed.  The stress test is one where they gave Kim pitocin to give the baby a little bit of encouragement to see how he would react.  The results of this test showed the placenta was not functioning fully so an emergency C-Section was immediately scheduled to get the baby out as soon as possible.  Throughout this whole process, Joel and Kim were basically separated as Joel was rushing around getting the kids with friends to help and packing bags for them and Kim and he for the hospital stay.  He ended up getting back to the hospital 30 mins before the surgery and first saw Kim after a 5 hour period as she was on the table being opened up.  And also during that 5 hour period, there was a 5 minute period in which Ephraim’s heartbeat could not be found.  Safe to say in was an incredibly stressful and trying day.  Joel had updated a lot of you who are on Facebook with Facebook posts and we felt your love, support and prayers throughout the day. Thank you so much!!!

In the end, God provided us another beautiful child.  Though he is very small (considered to be slightly premature), he is doing very well and is actually eating from Kim even better than what our other two kids were at this point.  Praise be to God!

Here are some pictures over the first few days:

Ephraim#1 Ephraim#2Ephraim#3 Ephraim_Esther#2 Ephraim_Esther#3 Ephraim_Esther Ephraim_Simeon#2 Ephraim_SimeonEphraim_Simeon#4Ephraim#5 Ephraim_Friends Ephraim_Simeon#3

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Cotopaxi awakens!


Recently, a sleeping giant very close to home awoke and has been making quite a fuss.

Bursts of ash spew from the snow-encircled crater of the Volcano Cotopaxi and fall in gusts on this village where the locals struggle to herd sheep and cattle to safety.

Capped by glaciers, the 19,350-foot volcano is one of the world’s most feared due to its location just 30 miles from Quito, though it is south of the city and we are way on the north side so it more thank likely not affect us personally.

Although officials say there currently is no such risk, a major eruption could hurl rock and mudflows into zones that are home to more than 300,000 people. The government has set a yellow precautionary alert, the lowest of three levels.

Plenty of Ecuadoreans have been on edge since Cotopaxi began belching ash a week ago in columns more than 2 miles high, prompting President Rafael Correa to declare a state of emergency.

Even more recently, explosions inside the volcano caused by magma meeting water sent a cloud of steam and ash more than a half mile above its rim.



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A new look!

20150822_112203How do you like the new look of our van???  We finally we’re able to get it in for the repairs from the accident and just got it back a few days ago.  Safe to say it’s as good as new and we got our new license plates put on so we are very happy with how everything turned out.  Also, just so you know, the driver of the other vehicle who hit me was very compliant and nice throughout the process and did everything that was needed including paying the deductible for the repair.  We thank God for that because the whole process could have been much more difficult if that was not the case.

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