Christmas Fun

It was a little sad for us that we could not be in the States this year for Christmas to be with family and enjoy snow and the fun Christmas traditions we have up there.  We did make the most of it and we had a very full December with many Christmas activities for the kids as well as some we created on our own.  Enjoy the pictures!


Wearing Christmas pajamas to school


Esther was a reindeer in her Christmas program.


Our church’s ladies choir sang Christmas carols on Christmas day.


Simeon was an angel in our church’s Christmas drama.


Christmas cookie making fun.


Simeon’s school Christmas program.


Post school Christmas program sillyness.


Simeon’s soccer team had a big end-of-year soccer tournament.


We got a surprise delivery of pizza from Santa.

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Christmas Party

A couple of days before Christmas, the Santiago Partnership team members had a party to celebrate Christmas and the Year End as well as thank all of our employees for their hard work this past year.  It was a lot of fun as Kim headed up the cooking as we did it Thanksgiving style with turkeys, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy… oh and guinea pig too of course!  We had fun with games with prizes for the kids (and kids at heart!), toasted to a new year and ate some delicious food.  Good times!

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IWU Nursing Team

We are committed to education in Ecuador. This past week we hosted a team of nursing students from Indiana Wesleyan University, the first group of nursing students to visit and work with our project. They were a fabulous team that were very excited about teaching and helping in Ecuador. The team first visited the project in Juan Montalvo and did educational workshops on bacterias and virus, hand washing, tooth brushing and women’s health with the help of donated kits from Days for Girls. They also worked at different extension projects in Cayambe as well as in 4 Lote, a small Kichwa community. We are so excited about this first (of hopefully many) nursing teams. Thanks ladies for a great week! You did a fantastic job! Thank you for partnering with us!

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Serving the Community

Our Medical Clinic in Cayambe serving the community. Yesterday, we held a training event free of cost and open and available for anyone who was interested. We covered first aid, emergency prevention and some basics of the treatment and prevention of the flu. Everyone left very satisfied from what they had learned.

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Our Thanksgiving Festivities

Yesterday, we were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with all of the Ecuadorian missionary friends.  It was a lot of fun and delicious!

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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from the Delps and the Santiago Partnership!!! May you have a blessed Thanksgiving from our crazy family to yours!

Esther was having a bad hair day and a new and upcoming videographer was doing the filming but we wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving nonetheless.

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Indiana Wesleyan University Occupational Therapy Visit

As much as we have seen the Holy Spirit move and work among us, I think we still sometimes try to sell short, the work, the amazing work that the Spirit does.  Another recent example of this was a visit we had from the Dean and Director of the new Occupational Therapy Department of Indiana Wesleyan University.  It has been amazing to see this partnership development since discussions first started over the early summer months.  Joel and I have a friend who we have known since our days at IWU who is working in this new department.  We saw her and her husband and met for a time of fellowship a year or so ago.  We talked about the Santiago Partnership and Ecuador and what God is doing here.  Our friends wanted to help and they have.  Our friend in the OT department talked to other members of this new program as they were trying to set up intercultural opportunities for their students.  They wanted to go to different places inter-culturally than other programs at IWU.  Our friend suggested Ecuador and the project here that we are involved with.  That suggestion developed into meetings with members of the program in August and a recent visit from the Dean of the Program and Director of the program.  We had one and a half days to do a lot of scouting out of things for a team coming soon.  We visited two different sites in Cayambe, one is a school for children and young adults with disabilities, the other is basically a movement of people with disabilities.  They are trying to form partnerships to help those in the area of Cayambe who are vulnerable, not just the disabled.  It was a great experience for us all and we are excited to see what partnerships will develop in the future and what God is going to do through the partnership with IWU.  Please pray with us and thanks be to God for the way the Spirit moves among us!

Dr. Martin Rice, the Dean of the program with our project coordinator Rolando Escola

Dr. Martin Rice, the Dean of the program with our project coordinator Rolando Escola

The group meeting at the school for the disabled in Cayambe.  Here we were meeting the music teacher who is blind and he was explaining how he teaches using music

The group meeting at the school for the disabled in Cayambe. Here we were meeting the music teacher who is blind and he was explaining how he teaches using music

Meeting with the members of the Movement of people with disabilities in Cayambe

Meeting with the members of the Movement of people with disabilities in Cayambe

Group picture after our meeting.

Group picture after our meeting.

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Joel’s trip to the States and Kim’s special visitor

Some of you may be aware but some of you may not that Joel made a trip to the States from the 5th to the 14th of November.  He went to be with his dad, Earl, who was getting his hip replaced.  Joel went to be there for surgery (actually arriving before it) and for his three day stay in the hospital.  He was there until his dad was transferred from the hospital to a rehab center.  After his rehab is completed, Joel and his siblings made the decision with Earl to have him move into the assisted living section of the facility, which is called Hubbard Hill in Elkhart, IN.  Though this has been a difficult time for Earl, it was good that Joel was able to be able to travel to be with him and Earl does seem to be doing well since his surgery.  Here is a picture of Earl with Joel’s sister, Shana, before his surgery.


While Joel was in the States, we that stayed back were blessed by having grandma come.  When Joel decided to go the States, we had just about a week to plan what we would do and so we asked my mom if she might be able to come and stay for the time Joel was gone.  Praise the Lord it did.  We weren’t sure when the next time might be that we would see family and it was such a great time together.  Mom was a huge help of course to me just trying to navigate life on a daily basis.  Laundry alone is a lot to keep up with as well as dishes!  We are SO thankful that we had this time together.  THANKS MOM for coming!  We miss you already!  It’s kind of hard to explain sometimes how I feel when my mom leaves to go back to the States.  On a day to day basic, although I think about it, I try not to think about the fact that family and friends are so far away.  We push through, especially on those days we feel we can’t do, the overwhelming days.  But when she has been here and has been such a help and has been with us day in and day out, I realize how much I need her and I realize on days like that that it is a sacrifice to live far away from family.  The goodbyes in the airport are hard.  It’s probably good there is a flight so that there is a forced separation, otherwise we might just hug and make up reasons to give each other another hug.  I try to save the tears for the car, but rarely make it and then probably pass people wondering why the white lady is crying.

SO, here we are, back in the daily grind of life.  It was such a huge blessing to have mom here and we hope by now she has recovered from all the playing and laundry and dishes and games, etc that is our day to day here.  Miss you grandma!


Esther with her blankie

Esther with her blankie


Simeon after his soccer practice


My mom, on behalf of their church Sunday school class donated a small heater to the clinic staff in Cayambe because it is so cold-especially when weighing those little babies!


I think they liked the heater!


Grandma, Joel and Simeon climbed to the Lake Cuicocha. Mom was afraid she wouldn’t make it, but she did!


The kids watching the condors


Esther and grandma with Imbabura in the background

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Happy Halloween

It’s a pretty rare event for the kids to be able to celebrate Halloween here in Ecuador but we were able to this past Friday and we were able to do so with our friends and fellow ECC missionaries, the Hoskins.  The kids were able to go trick-or-treating (sorry we forgot to get the picture) and we carved pumpkins and watched the World Series game afterwards.  Safe to say we had a lot of fun!halloween_2016

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Pastor’s Retreat

This past week Joel and Simeon went to the bi-annual Covenant Pastor’s Retreat on the coastal city of Crucita.  Kim and the other kiddos didn’t go because we had a ministry event in Cayambe on the Sunday of the weekend.  Simeon and Joel had a good time taking a bus to get there, spending time with other pastors and church leaders while there and of course playing on the beach!

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