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Prayer Requests

Personal Prayer Request

We just wanted to offer up a non-ministry related prayer request of a personal nature.  We still have a small home in Marion, IN which we own and have been hoping to rent out while here in Ecuador.  It has …

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Orlando Team

Here’s some pictures from our time with the very quick Orlando Team right before Christmas:

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Back to the Jungle

Tomorrow, Tuesday, the 20th, I (Joel) will be heading back out to the Lumbaqui jungle area of the country.  The team from Orlando that was here in August is returning to hold a memorial service for Joshua Kim (pictured here) …

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Christmas Newsletter available for Download


Our December 2011 Newsletter is available for download (Just click the link above!). You can see what all has been happening with us since our last official update in September as well as you can get an …

Categories: Books we are reading, Family Fun, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Santo Domingo, Simeon, Tena, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Prayer Request

We just wanted to mention a quick prayer request as we know all of you are praying for us on a regular basis.  We just have had some discouraging times here recently and want to ask for prayer for encouragement …

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Back from Santo Domingo

We arrived home in Quito yesterday from our work week at the camp in Santo Domingo.  As usual, we had a very nice time.  The Camp Committee meeting went very well as we were able to meet with an architect …

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Happy Thanksgiving and Off to Santa Rosa

We just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving.  We hope you all have a fun, food-filled Thanksgiving with many laughs and good times with family and friends!!!

We are off to Santa Rosa (close to El Chaco …

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News from this Weekend

We just wanted to write a quick note and thank you for your prayers for the events of this past weekend.  Our Heavenly Father heard your requests and answered them.  First off, the sermon seemed to be a big hit …

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Prayer Requests

This weekend we’ve got a couple of big things that you all can be in prayer for.  We have a meeting with the Consejos (the Advisory Councils) on Saturday at 9:30 a.m.  We’ll be meeting with them to discuss our …

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Update on Ruthie

We just wanted to let you all know of some big news on a topic that you all have been praying for.  Today, Ruthie (Joel’s mom) was able to get her feeding tube out.  Praise the Lord!  This is a …

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