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Thank you Coshocton Christian Tabernacle!!

Even before we arrived to Ecuador June 15th, we already had a mission team who had arrived a couple of days previously from Coshocton Christian Tabernacle in Coshocton, OH.  It was wonderful to have them as we had several of

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Construction, Family Fun, Home, Ministry, Travel, Updates, Volunteers | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Back in Ecuador!

Here’s what our bag situation looked like leading up to our trip to move back to Ecuador.

Then we moved back to Ecuador on June 15th and really everything went pretty smoothly especially considering the large amount of bags that

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Family Fun, Home Assignment, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Travel, Volunteers | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

10k Complete!

I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to post this update! We’ve been a bit busy these past couple few weeks with packing for Ecuador, moving to Ecuador and then jumping right into a mission team once we

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For a couple of years now, I have prayed for churches or individuals who would take a large undertaking.  I knew it was a big ask, but I also know our God is a big God and He cares about

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Signing for a new future

About a month ago, our Ecuadorian leadership of the project signed a new agreement to work hand-in-hand with the Ecuadorian government in our ministry of the Home for At Risk Children as well as we extended our agreement to continue

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Women serving women

Recently, our project in Ecuador held another women’s medical caravan; this time in the amazon, also called the jungle region of the country.  This week’s team was made up of Ecuadoran doctors (including doctors from our clinic in Cayambe), missionary

Categories: Cayambe, Clinic, Medical Caravan, Ministry, Updates, Volunteers | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Indiana University Dental Students return to serve

A little over a month ago our project had the opportunity to serve alongside a group dental students from Indiana University School of Dentistry.  They come each year to work in the communities in and around Cayambe.  This year the

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Updated Schedule

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Training for a 10k for 15 Good Reasons

You can see the GoFundMe Page here: Training for a 10k for 15 Good Reasons

During this year of Home Assignment Kim and I have been intentional in making changes in our lives to be healthier in many senses of

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A Beardless Reflection

As silly as this selfie looks…. here we go!


This my attempt to explain why I am now beardless.  For those of you are thinking right now, “who cares???” or “why a reflection on something so trivial???”… I will

Categories: Books we are reading, Family Fun, Home Assignment, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Travel, Updates, Volunteers | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment