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How’s it look?

How is the home for at risk children looking? Thank you to all of you who have given to make this construction possible. God bless you! If you’d like to help us finish up the construction this year, visit us

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A Slight Delay


Our patients are trying to get in but they’ll have to wait a little bit longer. We met with the Ministry of Health to allow them to conduct an inspection on the medical clinic in order to receive our final

Categories: 501c3, Anger, Cayambe, Clinic, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Updates | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Minga, minga, minga!

We love whom we serve alongside! Yesterday, we held a minga (community volunteerism event) with the churches from the Kichwa Conference and the Central Conference (Quito area) of Covenant churches and over 30 good folks came out to help plant

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Please pray for Patricio

This week during our Medical Caravan in Zuleta we had the opportunity to see a patient that we have been trying to get in contact with.  His name is Patricio and he is from the Kichwa community of Cashaloma.  Joel …

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Women’s Health A Focus This Week

This week we conducted a Women’s Health Medical Caravan in the communities of Zuleta and Cayambe as we had the blessing of a visiting Medical Team from the area of Chicago. Over 100 patients received an exam over a 4

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Clinic, Construction, Ministry, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment



We had a visitor come from the Seattle area this past week.  Emily Davidson, one of our Santiago Partnership board members was able to come down and visit!  What a pleasure it was to finally meet her in person as …

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Pictures of Disaster Relief in Oyacachi

Pictures of disaster relief and pastoral care in Oyacachi. It has been amazing to see how the see the response by our Christian brothers and sisters in the surrounding area Covenant churches. If you would like to support their efforts, …

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Please pray for Oyacachi!

Please pray for our sister church/community in Oyacachi who on Friday experienced an incredible landslide and flooding. Currently, the entire community is evacuating and the surrounding area Covenant churches are providing shelter and food. You may remember that we recently

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The Santiago Partnership starts a newsletter

SantiageParternershipFinalLogo-largeThe Santiago Partnership is starting an email newsletter in which you can receive updates on a regular basis.  Click here to sign up now:

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Medical Caravan in Oyacachi

Our 2nd Medical Caravan has now officially been completed! 117 children in the community of Oyacachi received their annual medical and dental checkup on Friday.

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