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Home Assignment

Update on Ruben

RubenRuben has been released from the hospital again and is back at home in Santo Domingo.  Praise the Lord!  This is a picture that was taken in the hospital before he was released.  You can see how much weight he …

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Being Inspired

We were incredibly inspired and encouraged today and we wanted to share that with you!  A little girl by the age of 9 or 10 came up to us today after church, after we had shared our story and said …

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Thank you New Harvest!


We wanted to say THANK-YOU to New Harvest Christian Church of Orgeon, OH for our visit with them this morning!  It was wonderful to be with you all, worship with with you and fellowship around a meal with you afterward.  …

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An Announcement via a Mathematical Equation

Family_of_4 - Small

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Seeing God in You!







I was recently reminded and encouraged by God working in our ministry and this encouragement has come from YOU… our supporters… our friends, family and ministry partners!

Very often, we, as Christians, talk about being …

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Ministry Schedule

  • November 24: New Harvest Christian Church, Oregon, OH
  • December 8: Covenant Community Church, Fairfield, OH & Redeemer Covenant Church, Hamilton, OH
  • December 15: Sojourner Covenant Church, Evanston, IL
  • January 11 & 12: Northwest Covenant Church, Mt.
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Thank you Bay Covenant, Lost Lake Covenant and Bethlehem Covenant

We visited three Covenant churches over the weekend: Bay Covenant of Green Bay, WI and Lost Lake Covenant and Bethlehem Covenant both of Stephenson, MI.  We had a wonderful time with all three of them especially reconnecting with Pastor Sumit …

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New Ministry Calendar

  • November 16: Bay Evangelical Covenant Church, Green Bay, WI
  • November 17: Lost Lake Covenant and Bethlehem Covenant, Stephenson, MI
  • November 24: New Harvest Christian Church, Oregon, OH
  • December 8: Covenant Community Church, Fairfield, OH & Redeemer
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New Ministry Schedule

  • November 10: Hope Covenant Church, Indianapolis, IN
  • November 16: Bay Evangelical Covenant Church, Green Bay, WI
  • November 17: Lost Lake Covenant and Bethlehem Covenant, Stephenson, MI
  • November 24: New Harvest Christian Church, Oregon, OH
  • December 8
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Thank you St. John’s Covenant


Thank you St. John’s Covenant Church of Millersburg, OH for hosting us this past weekend!!!  We enjoyed sharing in Sunday School as well as during the Worship hour.  Of course, we thoroughly enjoyed the food and fellowship afterwards.  You all …

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