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Container arrives in Cayambe!

After almost a whole year from when we received our medical donations, they have FINALLY arrived in Cayambe to be used in our new clinic.  It was quite the party while unloading the container.


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Container released!

Container(Not actual photo) Our container of Medical Donations has finally been released from the port in Guayaquil and is on its way to the clinic in Cayambe.  Praise the Lord!!!

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Laboratory Construction Picture Update

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Our container of medical donations has arrived to the Port of Guayaquil, Ecuador!!! Please pray that it is released quickly so we don’t face extra charges! (Not actual photo)


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It was sad to see our team from New Harvest come and go so quickly but we are incredibly thankful for everything they could accomplish in their short time here.  Thank you for your partnership in ministry!

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Christmas newsletter!

Click here to read our Christmas newsletter!

Christmas Newsletter 2014

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Construction continues… just not on the home

Construction continues in Cayambe, just not on the Home for At Risk Children.  Though it is not yet open, we are already expanding the services of the Medical Clinic.  We will providing the the services of a laboratory so that …

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The container is on its way!

After much prayer and patience, the container of supplies is on its way to Ecuador! Thanks to all who donated medical supplies and other items to send in the container, and thanks to those who helped to pack the container

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Container approved!!!!

Shipping-Container-EcuadorWe just heard from Rolando, our project coordinator with FACE, that he just got done with a meeting with the Quito Custom’s officials and the container has been approved to be sent down!  PRAISE THE LORD!!!  It sure has taken …

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Dreams Really Do Come True, I’m proof

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I knew at the age of 10 years old that I wanted to be a medical missionary after visiting Kenya, Africa and being exposed to medical missionaries.  From that early age, I wanted to help people-to work with Jesus to …

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