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Simeon and his good friend Caleb

We had the Burbano’s over for dinner last night and it was so cute watching Caleb and Simeon play.  Caleb can crawl much faster than Simeon and so Simeon was chasing him around all night.  They are very cute playing …

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Simeon having a laugh!

We haven’t posted any updates on Simeon recently, so we should definitely do that.  He is now eating solids and his sleep is adjusting to Ecuador.  He usually only wakes up once to eat.  Feel free to take a look …

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Simeon at 5 months

Back by popular demand, pictures of Simeon.  We know you all like to see pics of him and see how he is developing, so enjoy!

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Pictures of Simeon

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Support Update

Thank you so much for your continued support!  We continue to receive new responses for prayer and financial support.  At this point we are at 61% of our 150 desired prayer partners and have reached 76% of what is needed …

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Simeon’s Story

We need to share of God’s goodness to us through the birth of our son Simeon. It is a pretty neat story!

Before beginning the story, we should explain that through Kim’s experience and knowledge in the healthcare industry and
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3rd Missionary Added!

Today, God gave us 2 gifts: 1) A son by the name of Simeon Carter Delp, weighing 6 lbs 9 ozs and measuring 19.25 inches at 8:34 a.m. this morning 2) A healthy delivery for both mom and son.  We …

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Third Missionary being added to the Delp Team!

We just wanted to announce that we are adding a 3rd missionary to the Delp Team.  See a picture of him/her.  Gender to be determined.  He/she should be joining the team in early March.


Thank you so much for your …

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