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Happy Easter from Quito!!

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Off to the Jungle!

We had the opportunity to partner with a dental/medical team in the area of Tena this past Saturday.  The connection we have with them is actually with one of our supporting churches, Hope Covenant Church, of Indianapolis, IN.  A

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Happy Birthday Simeon!!!

Simeon’s 5th birthday was this past Thursday and we celebrated it with a birthday party this past Saturday.  It was a lot of fun!!!

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Back in Ecuador!

We made it back to our home in Quito, Ecuador this past Monday.  Our flight back was a little bit delayed as we were trying to determine if Grandma was in a stable spot and we were helping out with …

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Christmas newsletter!

Click here to read our Christmas newsletter!

Christmas Newsletter 2014

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Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Clinic, Construction, Esther, Family Fun, Language Study, Licensing in Ecuador, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Simeon, Travel, Uncategorized, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Where are Kim and Esther???

SIFAT_Team_Members Kim and Esther are up in Cayambe this week.  There is a Medical/Dental Team working at the clinic this week and so she went to help out, getting to know them and learn from them.  The team comes from a …

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Welcome to the world Esther Ashby Delp

“I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart;

I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 9:1

It’s been a difficult road for us of late and we have sensed God’s presence along the way, but …

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Moving Days

Well, we have been extremely busy and haven’t had much time to give updates and post pictures so we are going to try to do a bunch here today to update you on what has been going on with us.…

Categories: Cayambe, Family Fun, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Simeon, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Simeon Sidenotes

SimeonWe have gotten asked a few times about how Simeon is doing in Ecuador and the adjustment from the States.  When we ask him how he likes Ecuador he says “doing good.”  That’s a good sign that he’s fairly comfortable …

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An Announcement via a Mathematical Equation

Family_of_4 - Small

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