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Family Fun

We have an Ecuadorian!!!

Esther_Cedula 001We have us an Ecuadorian in the family!!!!  Yesterday, we were successful in finally getting Esther’s Ecuadorian Birth Certificate!  At the same time, we were then able to get Esther’s Cedula, which is an official identity card that shows that …

Categories: Esther, Family Fun, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Prayer Requests for this week

birth-shotWe have a couple of really big prayer requests for this week.  Please pray for Joel’s parents, Ruth & Earl Delp, as they have had their share of serious struggles of recent.  Please pray for them and that God’s peace …

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Welcome to the world Esther Ashby Delp

“I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart;

I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 9:1

It’s been a difficult road for us of late and we have sensed God’s presence along the way, but …

Categories: Esther, Family Fun, Prayer, Simeon, Updates | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Quicker than we thought


This picture may accurately depict what could be our lives here very soon.

Today, we are flying back to Quito to move into our new apartment and adjust back to life in Ecuador again.  We had been planning that once …

Categories: Family Fun, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

Moving Days

Well, we have been extremely busy and haven’t had much time to give updates and post pictures so we are going to try to do a bunch here today to update you on what has been going on with us.…

Categories: Cayambe, Family Fun, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Simeon, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Simeon Sidenotes

SimeonWe have gotten asked a few times about how Simeon is doing in Ecuador and the adjustment from the States.  When we ask him how he likes Ecuador he says “doing good.”  That’s a good sign that he’s fairly comfortable …

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Auction Results

THANK YOU to everyone at Northwest Covenant Church and the church’s Mission Board for your support of the Santiago Partnership with this weekend’s auction!  The auction was a huge success!!!  And it was  a lot of fun!  Over $5,000 was …

Categories: 501c3, Family Fun, Home Assignment, Ministry, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

An Announcement via a Mathematical Equation

Family_of_4 - Small

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Thank you New Hope Covenant Church

We had a wonderful time with New Hope Covenant Church of Richland, MI this past weekend.  We were greeted by this wonderful sign in the morning!


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Praise the Lord!

We have a huge answer to prayer to share with you all.

We sold our house!!!!!!

For some of you that are newer to following our ministry, your immediate reaction maybe “huh???”  But others that have known us for a …

Categories: Family Fun, Home Assignment, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Updates | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment