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Family Fun

Happy Birthday Simeon!

We have been so busy that we have been remiss to let you all know that Simeon turned 2 on March 5th!!!  Yeah!  It was a fun day as we had a monkey themed party because Simeon is a monkey …

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Off to the Jungle

We are heading off tomorrow (Tuesday, March 13th) for the jungle.  We’ll be going the first couple days to Tena for the next HIV/AIDS workshop.  After that we’ll head to Banos for a day because are going to stay out …

Categories: Family Fun, HIV/AIDS, Ministry, Prayer, Tena, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Banos, Shell & Puyo

Happy New Year everyone!

We decided that since we didn’t go to visit family in the States and no one was coming here over the Holidays  that we would take a mini family vacation right after the New Year before …

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New Year’s 2011

On New Year’s eve, we experienced a very different celebration here in Ecuador.  The traditions are quite different here, but fun.  We had a great time learning and experiencing this with our friends the Burbanos.  1-2 days before New Year’s …

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Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011 looked quite different from last year.  This was our first Christmas in Ecuador without family or friends around which was difficult, probably more so for me (Kim).  I really enjoy the changes in seasons, snow, Christmas lights, Starbucks …

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Water Fights and Life Lessons

A couple of days ago, Simeon and I were ‘washing’ dishes in the kitchen.  Simeon LOVES water and loves playing in it which helps me (Kim) with getting the dishes done.  Anyway, during our ‘washing’ Simeon started flinging water (not
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Christmas Newsletter available for Download


Our December 2011 Newsletter is available for download (Just click the link above!). You can see what all has been happening with us since our last official update in September as well as you can get an …

Categories: Books we are reading, Family Fun, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Santo Domingo, Simeon, Tena, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Thanksgiving 2011 in Quito

We had an awesome time yesterday celebrating Thanksgiving 2011 with our friends in Quito.  Yes, we celebrated Thanksgiving a week late because we were traveling last week to Santa Rosa but that didn’t make it any less important and most …

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Our First Ecuadorian Wedding

This past weekend we traveled to Santo Domingo for our first Ecuadorian wedding.  Flor (whose name translates “flower”), who works in the snack shop at the campgrounds, was getting married and had invited us.  It was a wonderful experience as …

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Pictures from the Pastor’s Retreat in Santo Domingo

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