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Family Fun

Roughing It

Two weekends ago we had our annual staff retreat, staff meaning all of the missionaries from the US in Ecuador.  Safe to say it was a blast!  On Friday night, we went out to eat at a nice restuaraunt in …

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Our Time in the ‘South’


Simeon and I (Kim) recently spent a few days in South Quito with Simeon’s babysitter (Martita) and her family.  I must admit, I was a little nervous about it.  The whole goal was to be immersed in Spanish all the …

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In Santo Domingo

We made it to Santo Domingo safe and sound.  Thank you for your prayers!!  We just stopped by at an Internet Cafe so we could let you all know.

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Festivals of Quito

This past weekend we had the opportunity to experience the Festivals of Quito.  Basically,  December 6th is the city of Quito’s Founding Day, so there are many celebrations that go along with the week that leads up to this day.  …

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A new Delp Christmas Tradition


We have a tradition in our house to spend a day out which includes getting a Christmas tree, getting good coffee, a good breakfast, and then decorating for Christmas.  Last year, and other years past we would spend A LOT …

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Happy Thanksgiving from Quito

We wanted to take a second to wish everyone out there Happy Thanksgiving from Quito, Ecuador.  This year we are thankful to all those who partner with us ministry.  Without you, our ministry would not be possible.  Thank you so, …

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Celebrating El Dia de Difuntos and Two Birthdays

On Tuesday, we had the opportunity the share together with our mission friends and ministry partners in celebrating the holiday in Ecuador called El Dia De Difuntos (The Day of the Dead).  This is a very big holiday in Ecuador …

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Trip to the COAST!

We had a great time on our recent trip to the Coast of Ecuador.  We started out going to Santo Domingo-about a 3 hour trip from Quito, to the National Pastor’s Retreat for the Covenant.  We stayed at the Covenant …

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Good Times!

Tonight we had leadership from IPEE (the Covenant Church of Ecuador) as well as friends from Covenant World Mission headquarters in Chicago plus our missionary team (minus one from the Coast). It was a great time of prayer, dreaming and …

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1st Trip to the Amazon!!!!

We just got back from the Amazon!  Pretty cool, eh?  We actually didn’t go in the deep just yet.  Mainly just on the edge.

We had the wonderful opportunity to go with our Spanish teacher, Olgita Burbano and her husband …

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