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Vision Teams/Board of Directors/Friends Coming…YEAH!


We have a busy few days coming up, but we are super, SUPER excited about it.  Today (Friday) and tomorrow the whole Rocha family from our camp in Santo Domingo will be coming to visit and staying with us.  …

Categories: Prayer Requests, Uncategorized, Updates | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

Nurse Practitioner Licensing Update

Just thought I (Kim) would give a quick update on how things went yesterday.  Olga (my best friend here) and I went to a place called SENESCYT.  This is a place where everyone who has some kind of professional …

Categories: Licensing in Ecuador, Prayer Requests, Uncategorized | Tags: , | Leave a comment

Happy Birthday Simeon!

We have been so busy that we have been remiss to let you all know that Simeon turned 2 on March 5th!!!  Yeah!  It was a fun day as we had a monkey themed party because Simeon is a monkey …

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Hechos 29

While you all were celebrating with family, friends and turkeys last week, we went off to Santa Rosa, Ecuador to be at Hechos 29, which means Acts 29.  It is a bible school and cultural exchange as students from Sweden …

Categories: Ministry, Travel, Uncategorized, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Update on Ruthie and Immediate Prayer Request

We ask for your prayers again for Ruthie.  Today they did a Barium swallow test (using dye and an x-ray) and determined that she is not swallowing at all and it may be a very long time until she is

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