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The Unknown Place

We make decisions to go; Some think its crazy, Some think it is brave.  Most don’t understand.

We question and doubt, hoping, out of our call and obedience that we make decisions correctly.

The Unknown Place.

We remember that in …

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Christmas in February

Some of you may look at this picture and think, wow, you like clutter, maybe you should clean that up.  To us, this is GOLD!  For those of you who may not know, in Ecuador, during the pandemic, our postal …

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The Power of YET

Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls,

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Sweet Together Times

Last week we all had the opportunity to go to Cancun, Mexico for our Latin American Retreat.  It was such a lovely time to be together with all of the missionaries from Latin America who serve together with Serve Globally.  …

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Baños 2021

With our recent trip to the jungle, we were also able to spend a couple of days in Baños, one of our favorite tourist areas in Ecuador to do some extreme sports, hiking and just enjoying time together with …

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Vacation #2

Yes, you read that title correctly, in August, we were able to take TWO vacations.  For me (Kim), this is one of the few vacations where I can remember coming back not feeling like I needed another week after vacation …

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Galapagos: “a little world within itself”

August was quite a full month…of vacation!  Yes, you read that correctly.  It is not often that you read that from our family, but we took some much needed time to rest, relax, explore, rejuvenate and be together as a …

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Radical Hospitality

Radical Hospitality

It’s been quite a few years now that God continues to bring me back in one way or another to Romans 12, speaking of Love in Action.  In Romans 12:9-13, Paul says these words:

Love must be sincere. 

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Home for the Holidays!



Friends of the Santiago Partnership are working hard to complete the construction of our first house for at risk children in Cayambe, Ecuador. It is our goal to create a welcoming environment for the children while they are separated

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Thank you ladies!




A big thank you to Women’s Ministries of First Covenant Church of River Falls, WI for the hand made curtains for the Medical Clinic. As we are about to open the clinic, they come at the perfect timing. Thank

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