Posts Tagged ‘Women’

Pretty’s Products

Post a Comment » Written on November 28th, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development
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Below is another great update from our partner Zimele, in South Africa. This women’s empowerment project give women the necessary skills and resources to begin their own businesses and projects to support their families and communities.

“Pretty Mbeje, a

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Jesus, women, and the Church today

Post a Comment » Written on November 19th, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development

Worldwide, women are considered less-than.  Compared to men, we’re less equal, less challenged, less heard, less understood, less represented, less educated, less fed, lead less peaceful lives (see this great article on depression in teen girls), and a whole multitude …

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Education for all

Post a Comment » Written on November 15th, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development
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Our peace-making project in Mexico serves many different people, including women and children, young and old, educated and uneducated, with English classes, computer classes, a women’s group, and a youth group. Below are a number of testimonies about how participation …

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Thanda’s Bed & Breakfast

Post a Comment » Written on November 9th, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development
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Thanda is a young woman that has been cared for, supported by, and introduced to the Self Help Group concept by the women in the Zimele program. Thanda has concentrated on building her Bed & Breakfast business. Through hosting …

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Being a good steward of God’s things

1 Comment » Written on November 2nd, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development
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You may remember back in August when we wrote about the living condition of women in Cameroon and how our project there is helping to transform their lives. Below is an update from ECC missionary Sharon Davis about this transformation, …

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