Posts Tagged ‘Education’

Recycling for education

Post a Comment » Written on July 18th, 2012     
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While education is something that we often taken for granted in the United States, an unfortunate reality for many children living in the urban slums of Bangkok is that they may not have the necessary means to complete their education. …

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Letters of Thanks from East Asia

Post a Comment » Written on June 18th, 2012     
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These touching letters are from two young girls in a CWR-sponsored after school program. We thought it was important to share these with you, who have served as their “uncles and aunts of CWR” through donations, advocacy and prayer.…

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A School Amongst Nomads: Bringing the Light of Literacy to India’s Overlooked

Post a Comment » Written on March 22nd, 2012     
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One of the greatest tools for those seeking after truth is the simple wonder of knowing how to read.

In 2008, Kamalakar Deshpande, who had joined Covenant World Relief partner Truthseekers International just a few years prior, was at a …

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Community Hope through Education

Post a Comment » Written on January 19th, 2012     
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For many of us, a good education is something that is taken for granted. With the new semester beginning this week (and my stress level rising!), I forget how blessed I am to be able to have such a great …

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Kenya Covenant Church Worship

3 comments Written on October 25th, 2011     
Filed under: Community Development
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The following is from pastor Simon, moderator (president) of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Kenya and pastor at the local church in Kitengela, Kenya.

Evangelical Covenant Church-Kitengela is located 40 kilometers south east of Nairobi which is the capital city

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