Posts Tagged ‘Agriculture’

Sustainable Livelihood and Discipleship Through Chicken Raising

Post a Comment » Written on April 24th, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development
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CWR has recently entered into a new partnership with The Torchbearers Foundation for Mission, Reconciliation and Development in Cameroon, Africa. Sharon Davis, an ECC missionary, is working with Torchbearers and will be managing a new CWR-funded chicken raising project …

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A Harvest in Haiti

Post a Comment » Written on April 11th, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development
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“Involvement and empowerment of the local community” is one of the guiding values for Covenant World Relief. Strategically, we know that by developing resources and talents already present in the community we will do much more good than if we …

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Photos from Pacto Sumaco

Post a Comment » Written on April 9th, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development
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A small community in Ecuador called Pacto Sumaco is home to one of our very unique projects – a mushroom agriculture project. This project was started in response to a great need in the community to grow a healthy, safe, …

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We need each other – updates from Haiti

Post a Comment » Written on March 19th, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development, Disaster Relief
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An exciting report from World Relief, one of our partners in Haiti, on agricultural development:

“It has been more than two years since the tragic events of the earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010. It feels only recently the

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Agriculture in Haiti

Post a Comment » Written on November 10th, 2011     
Filed under: Community Development, Disaster Relief
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One of CWR’s major goals is to go beyond disaster relief by working to transform communities after the initial effects of the disaster have passed. A great example of this is in Haiti.  More than a year and half after …

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