Community Development

Standing against Exploitation in Mexico

Post a Comment » Written on December 15th, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development
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A group of leaders from the Covenant Church of Mexico have formed an organization to fight abuse and exploitation. The leaders of Ministering to the Abused and Exploited in Mexico (MAEM) include Marisol Martinez, president of the Covenant Church of …

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Gatwech and Nyayual’s Story: South Sudanese Refugees in Ethiopia

Post a Comment » Written on December 10th, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development, Special Projects
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Week 5 Gatwech and NyayualFACT:

Tierkitde, a camp in Ethiopia, hosts more than 37,000 South Sudanese refugees who came from the Upper Nile and Jonglei states of South Sudan. These refugees are mainly from the Nuer, Dinka, Shiluk, and Murlee tribes. The fighting has …

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A Water Buffalo Provides New Hope

2 comments Written on December 8th, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development
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How a gift from the Covenant Cares catalog changed a family’s future

My name is Shiv Chandra and I am from Bihar, India. Born in a low-caste family, I am reminded every day that I am poor, marginalized, and untouchable. …

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Soman Naik’s Story: An Indian Refugee

Post a Comment » Written on December 5th, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development, Special Projects
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Week 4 Soman NaikFACT:

In India some tribal people were relocated forcibly because of religious persecution. These people are mistreated because they are different. Those with disabilities face an even greater challenge when they are displaced.


Soman Naik is a five-year-old boy. …

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Mohammed’s Story–A Burmese Refugee

Post a Comment » Written on November 26th, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development, Special Projects
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Week 3 MohammedFACT:
While families are living as refugees, there is limited access to health and medical care, including basic cleanliness like a place to wash their hands. Lack of food and disease are common. Many children do not have access to …

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