Community Development

Sustainability in Spite of Instability in the Central African Republic

Post a Comment » Written on October 2nd, 2013     
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During the last several months, a band of rebel groups came together under the name Seleka (a word meaning “agreement”), and overthrew the government of General Bozizé in the Central African Republic. In late June, Evangelical Covenant Church missionaries Roy …

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Home-Based Care

Post a Comment » Written on September 30th, 2013     
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Thirty years of violence from civil war and inter-tribal conflict in South Sudan has resulted in a large number of children who are orphaned or have a single parent, typically only a mother. With funding from Covenant World Relief, the …

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Escaping Human Trafficking

3 comments Written on September 25th, 2013     
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escaping human traffickingGangubai Shinde comes from a middle-class family. When she was fifteen, her parents forced her to marry a man twice her age. Her husband accused her of being unfaithful, and he began beating her. Although Gangubai realized that she was …

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Ceasefire Negotiations Bring Hope, Health to Burmese

Post a Comment » Written on September 23rd, 2013     
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For over a year, increasing violent conflict in Burma has caused many communities and thousands of people to become displaced within their own country.

But recently the Karen National Union has participated in talks of peace. While concerns still remain …

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Weaving Leads to Youth Empowerment

Post a Comment » Written on September 11th, 2013     
Filed under: Community Development

Gulamuddin Baba - KashmirBaba is a teacher in the carpet-making class offered for youth in northern India. The classes began a year ago for the youth of these villages. The interest among the youth to learn the skill was encouraging; within six months …

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