Community Development

Meet Our Partner: Haiti Christian Development Fund

Post a Comment » Written on October 23rd, 2013     
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DSC05735In existence for more than 25 years, the Haiti Christian Development Fund (HCDF) is a faith-based organization that has been partnering with the people of Fond-des-Blancs, Haiti to participate in discipleship, education, community development, and leadership development. HCDF originally partnered …

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Update: Partners in Transformation in the Caribbean, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico

Post a Comment » Written on October 21st, 2013     
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Below is an update from our missionaries, Gary and Mary Lou Sander, who are currently serving in Colombia:

Sanders blog 1In October of 2012, Covenant World Relief (CWR), which participates in God’s transforming mission in the world through disaster relief and …

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Kenya Education Update-Grace’s Story

Post a Comment » Written on October 14th, 2013     
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It is wonderful to hear about ongoing projects and the communities that our partners are working with, but we also rejoice in hearing about the lasting effects of completed projects. The Kitengela Covenant Church opened its doors many years ago …

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Haiti Agriculture: Let it Grow!

Post a Comment » Written on October 9th, 2013     
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first harvest lettuceLast December we posted an update about the agriculture initiative in Haiti through our partner, Habitat for Humanity. They were getting ready to plant their first seeds, and we are proud to say the project has continued to be successful!…

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Water 1st and Covenant Church Connection

Post a Comment » Written on October 7th, 2013     
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The article below from Water 1st highlights the partnership of one of our Covenant churches with a community in Bangladesh. You can read the original article in its full on their site here.

water1stThe Personal Touch Counts

This work …

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