Community Development

Zimele: Gracious Zulu Hospitality

1 Comment » Written on December 19th, 2013     
Filed under: Community Development
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Visiting Covenant World Relief partners is always inspiring for me because I get to see first-hand God’s transforming work in the lives of individuals and communities. Recently CWR advisory team members Debbie Blue, Robert Owens, and John Tanagho joined me …

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Home Gardens in Jordan

Post a Comment » Written on December 18th, 2013     
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Greigra, a village in Wadi Araba, is one of the poorest areas of Jordan. The population of the village is around 5,000 people with the main source of income coming from herding sheep, goats, and camels, and participating in agriculture. …

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Posho Mill Update

Post a Comment » Written on December 16th, 2013     
Filed under: Community Development

Around the world, there are people who wake up every morning and spend hours traveling from a water source back to their homes, carrying with them enough water for just that one day. They get up the next morning and …

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Thailand TLC Update

Post a Comment » Written on December 11th, 2013     
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SAM_3118The new school year is in full swing in Thailand. With the start of the new school year brings many changes. For the Tutorial Learning Center (TLC) in Nan, Thailand, that means growing in size. The TLC now houses 20 …

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Meeting the Needs of Syrian Refugees

Post a Comment » Written on December 9th, 2013     
Filed under: Community Development, Disaster Relief
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Home is important to us all. It may be the house you grew up in, the church you attended, or the school you most loved. By definition, home is the place that you live, but I think it can be …

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