Community Development

Power of Weather

Post a Comment » Written on February 19th, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development
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Residents here in Chicago have decided to start calling our city “Chiberia” because of how cold the weather has been recently (around -30 with wind-chill). When the university I attend decided to cancel classes because of the cold, it reminded …

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Child Trauma Recovery Training Program: Ituri Region, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Post a Comment » Written on February 12th, 2014     
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In the DR Congo, a country that has been ravaged by civil war, there are many people who haven’t had the comfort of feeling safe, and many of them children. My home has always felt safe. I have never felt …

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The Value of a Chicken

Post a Comment » Written on February 10th, 2014     
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My family used to have chickens, well really only roosters who’s total function was to crow at ridiculous hours of the morning. There were no hens and there were no eggs, so eventually we just gave them away to our …

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Learning about CWR and Partnership

1 Comment » Written on January 27th, 2014     
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As a lifelong Covenanter, I grew up being familiar with Covenant World Relief. When I was a child I would put money in the Covenant World Relief soup can offering bank, and knew in general about their work in the …

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Honduras Water Project Photos

Post a Comment » Written on January 22nd, 2014     
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Dave and CWR Advisory Team member Allan Serrano recently visited our water project in Honduras. They came back with so many great photos we wanted to share them with you here. You can read some great quotes from project participants …

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