Community Development

Women in Congo Have New Hope

Post a Comment » Written on April 21st, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development
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CWR partners in Goma, Congo have been working with women and girls to provide them with vocational training. Through tailored vocational and human rights education and improving the health and economic opportunities available to unwed teenage mothers and children, HOLD …

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Palm Oil Enterprise

Post a Comment » Written on April 16th, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development
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Sharon Davis, a former covenant missionary to Cameroon, has been working with rural villages in Cameroon for years. Over time she had developed strong relationships with the communities in the area and has created some flourishing development projects with partnership …

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Engaging the Elderly

Post a Comment » Written on April 9th, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development

There are many Covenant Churches around the world. I haven’t personally been to a very large selection of these churches but I enjoy hearing stories of how they see a need in a community and work to address that need. …

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Stories of Peace-Makers in Mexico pt. 3

Post a Comment » Written on April 2nd, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development

The Mexico Family Development Foundation (FDF) has been working tirelessly over the years to create lasting relationships with those families and individuals who have been most affected by the violence and poverty of Monterrey, Mexico. Here is a part of …

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Human Trafficking in Mexico

Post a Comment » Written on March 31st, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development
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I remember what thought when I first heard the term “Human Trafficking.” It caught me off guard. How was it that there were people in the world who bought and sold other people?

I grew up in Hong Kong and …

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