Asha was living the painful life of a prostitute in Pune, India. After few years, she gave birth to a baby girl. She cared for her child for many years, but when her daughter turned eight years old, Asha’s living …
Posts by Covenant World Relief:
The walk for water is nearly done for the people of Gonbisa Kussaye, Ethiopia!
Gonbisa Kussaye Under Construction
Thank you for your support of the Gonbisa Kussaye project, which will serve 2,000 people. The community is on schedule for completing their piped water system which will provide clean, convenient water supplies — ending the …
The State of Education in South Sudan
During Dave’s recent trip to South Sudan, a large portion of his time was spent with the Vulnerable and Orphaned Children (VOC) project. This trip was full of both darkness and hope.
The majority of the school buildings in …
How a CWR Project Shares the Gospel
Covenant missionary Sharon Davis is heading up our chicken project in Cameroon. Her reflections below are a great indication of the great and unique ways the CWR projects spread the gospel:
As a Covenant missionary, I applied to Covenant World
Soup Can Story: From a Soup Can to a Coffee Can
In response to this Covenant Newswire story about CWR no longer being able to use our familiar Campbell’s soup-style label, we have received a number of touching stories about how the soup cans have touched the lives of individuals, families, …