In Colombia, Hands with Hope assists marginalized women as well. Recently, three founding members of Hands with Hope from Medellin, Colombia travelled to Oaxaca, Mexico to learn from Fuentes Libres. They were able to learn, share, and live life with the foundation of Fuentes Libres for two weeks. These three women got to see how Fuentes Libres works in action. Mondays the staff prays together, organizes their week for the different community groups, and evaluates their progress.
The focus of helping these women in Oaxaca is to move forward in their lives with training, Bible study, and economic opportunities. Many of these women are underprivileged and uneducated, yet they are the women who are most dedicated and willing to sacrifice sleep or time. These women desire to see their small businesses succeed. The women range from 18-78 years old weaving baskets, selling clothing items, products from magazines, and making tamales, tortillas, and other Mexican food. These women work together and fulfill their commitments weekly to pay down their loans and to have a savings plan.
–written by Polly Kalntzis, CWR intern