She found out about the Fuentes Libres community bank program two years ago and decided she wanted to participate. She has used her micro-loan to pay off her land, buy natural fertilizer, and harvest corn, beans, and gourds. With the income she makes from selling her produce, Sara repays her micro-loan, and she is proud to say that she has never missed a payment! She also puts money into savings every week and uses the rest of her earnings to buy food and other necessities.
She enjoys being a part of the Fuentes Libres program. She especially loves the Bible study, which has helped her in her day-to-day life. She has come to understand that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. She gives thanks to God for allowing her to be part of the group because she has learned to save and manage her money. She is also grateful for the relationships she has formed with other women, as they support one another with family members. She enjoys the community she has found there.