Jackline lost her father during the Sudan civil war and is one of the 40 children benefitting from this project in Malakal. She had polio when she was just six months old and is now physically and mentally disabled. Her left arm and leg are paralyzed. Jackline is cared for by her mother, Veronica, who is also sick often. The reason that it is noteworthy that the ECCS has chosen Jackline as one of the few children to receive support from this project is because Jackline is Catholic and of the Shiluk tribe. Most of the ECCS are from the Nuer tribe and it would have been very natural for them to chose 40 children from their own church and from their own tribe to benefit from this project. We are thankful for partners around the world who truly seek to serve those most in need and not those who are most like us and easiest to love and serve.
CWR Value in Focus: Serve those most in need
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Written on February 15th, 2011
Filed under: Community Development
Tags: South Sudan
Filed under: Community Development
Tags: South Sudan
CWR intentionally serves those most in need in a community and looks for projects that do not discriminate based on religion, gender, race, or age. The vulnerable and orphaned children project in Sudan models this value. This is a project of the Covenant Church of Sudan (ECCS), and they have chosen the beneficiaries in the community by finding those most in need and most vulnerable and have not chosen beneficiaries based on religion, race, or age. It would be very easy for the church in this very poor and war-ravaged area to chose only beneficiaries from their own church as there are so many needs within the ECCS, but they have truly looked for those most in need. One example of serving those most in need is Jackline Bol.