For most people in the United States, school is not considered a luxury but a given. In the town of Kitengela, Kenya, however, one church saw the true value of an education. Because of the war in the Congo, many families had fled to Kenya in search of safety. Many lost parents, siblings and children along the way. When they arrived in Kenya, they had little means of supporting themselves or their families, let alone send their children to school where uniform fees and school supplies can be just too much for a family to afford.
This is where the Evangelical Covenant Church of Kenya (ECCK) and Covenant World Relief stepped in. By partnering together, Covenant World Relief and the ECCK were able to reach out to this community of refugees and give them hope for a better future. They established a program for the children of these refugees to be able to go to school. Now these children have the hope for a better future. As 16 year old Zaninka Speciose said, “Glory is to God that I’m back in school. My future is bright.”
Zaninka, 16 years old in a recent school photo.
If you have would like to participate in giving the gift of education, please click here and pray for the Congolese refugees in Kenya.
-Written by CWR intern, Lizzy Lwanga.