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Tagged With: IPEE

Santo Domingo Travel

Sorry that we are still not able to post pictures to our blog.  We’re not sure what is going on but sure it will get fixed soon.

We need to let you know what our travel schedule will look like …

Categories: Santo Domingo, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Covenant Camp in Santo Domingo

We are finally able to give an update on our ministry. I (Joel) will be going to Santo Domingo tomorrow to start working at the national Covenant Camp property that is located there. This first trip will be a two …

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Happy Thanksgiving from Quito

We wanted to take a second to wish everyone out there Happy Thanksgiving from Quito, Ecuador.  This year we are thankful to all those who partner with us ministry.  Without you, our ministry would not be possible.  Thank you so, …

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Simeon and his good friend Caleb

We had the Burbano’s over for dinner last night and it was so cute watching Caleb and Simeon play.  Caleb can crawl much faster than Simeon and so Simeon was chasing him around all night.  They are very cute playing …

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Trip to the COAST!

We had a great time on our recent trip to the Coast of Ecuador.  We started out going to Santo Domingo-about a 3 hour trip from Quito, to the National Pastor’s Retreat for the Covenant.  We stayed at the Covenant …

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A traveling we will go…

Simeon’s looking at the stylist cutting his hair-not quite sure what to think

Tomorrow (Saturday morning) early, about 7AM, we will be traveling to Santa Domingo for the annual pastor’s retreat in Ecuador at the Covenant Camp.  We will be …

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Upcoming Travels

You can follow us on this map

We are planning to take a couple of trips around Ecuador over the next 3 weeks.  We leave on Saturday for CUENCA.  We will be dividing the trip up so we don’t have

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IPEE Devotions

We were able to lead devotions this morning at IPEE.  Yes… IN SPANISH!!!  At IPEE (the Evangelical Covenant Church or Ecuador) they have devotions every week.  A time to study the word, pray and fellowship.  We try to attend every …

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Trip to Guayaquil

We had an awesome trip to the coastal city of Guayaquil this last weekend.  Guayaquil is the largest city in Ecuador (yes… a little bit bigger than Quito) and is the country’s main port.  It has a very different feel …

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Good Times!

Tonight we had leadership from IPEE (the Covenant Church of Ecuador) as well as friends from Covenant World Mission headquarters in Chicago plus our missionary team (minus one from the Coast). It was a great time of prayer, dreaming and …

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