We would like to share a Special Prayer Request. This Friday, March 15th, Kim and I will be having our Final Interviews in the process of being commissioned as Long-term Missionaries. These interviews are the final “test” in our process of seeking ordination (Joel) and consecration (Kim). We will need to still be voted on by the assembly of the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Covenant Church in June and as long as that goes successfully, we will be Commissioned as Long-term Missionaries, Kim will be licensed as a Consecrated Missionary and Joel will be ordained. So you can start calling him “Reverend” after that!
These are our final interviews in a long process. If you remember, we had two interviews right after we returned from Ecuador in October (see 1 Down… and What we’ve been up to… to refresh your memory). We also had a three day psychological evaluation as well as we had to write numerous very long papers about our theology and such. Well, the interviews on Friday are the last “test” so to speak as the Annual Meeting vote is more of a formality.
On Friday, the 15th, we will be interviewed individually once again at the Evangelical Covenant Church offices in Chicago. Kim’s interview is 8:30 a.m. CST and Joel’s is at 2:00 p.m. CST. Your prayers for these interviews and at these times specifically are greatly, greatly, greatly appreciated!!! We’ve felt that it has been by the grace of God that we have gotten this far so we just need a little more grace to push us through!!!