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A sad goodbye

It’s a hard day for us as we are leaving our home and country of service in Ecuador.  This sadness is lessened when we think about all of the family and friends we’ll be seeing very shortly but we are …

Categories: Family Fun, Home Assignment, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

September/October Newsletter Released

We just put together our latest newsletter.  Please click the following to download it:


FYI: The newsletter is fairly large and may take a few minutes to download, so it’s not your computer but rather the download that is

Categories: 501c3, Devotions, Home Assignment, Licensing in Ecuador, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Simeon, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Off to Santo Domingo

Tomorrow we leave on what is our last trip to Santo Domingo.  This will be  a tough trip as it will be our first round of saying goodbyes and it will be some of our toughest.  The Rocha family have …

Categories: Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Santo Domingo, Simeon, Travel | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Camp Praise

We just want to thank you for your prayers for the campgrounds!  We have been able to purchase a truck for the camp’s ministry use.  This has been a long time prayer request and concern for the camp.  Basically since …

Categories: Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Santo Domingo, Updates | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

God’s Promises-A Reflection from Kim



It’s hard to know where to begin when starting to get the word out about our last week.  As I’m sure you all remember, we had a Vision Team from the States come made up of our board …

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God’s promises

I am not much of one who searches for “signs” from God in life’s circumstances and through nature, which could be to my fault, but God spoke to me through a “sign” yesterday.

Kim and I have been going through …

Categories: Devotions, Field Study, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Santo Domingo, Simeon, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments


First of all, we wanted to update you all on how the meeting went on Friday.  Safe to say it went not as well as we would have liked.  It looks like there will be a lot for us to …

Categories: Family Fun, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

June 2012 Newsletter Released

We just put together our latest newsletter.  Please click the following to download it:


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Categories: Family Fun, Field Study, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Santo Domingo, Simeon, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Happy Easter!!!


He has risen!!  He has risen indeed!!!  Happy Easter from Ecuador!

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Quito’s Good Friday Procession

We had an amazing cultural experience yesterday, Good Friday, going to Quito’s Good Friday Procession.  We didn’t have the chance to go last year and we had heard so much about it that we decided that we couldn’t pass it …

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