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Prayer Requests

The Power of Prayer


On September 1st, we received this email from Sharon Martin, a friend who, with her husband, Frank provide pastoral care and prayer support for missionaries:

On Wednesday, August 26, Frank and I left the office at 3:30 pm, an hour

Categories: Ephraim, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Updates | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

A Surprise Arrival!


Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
One generation commends your works to another;
they tell of your mighty acts.
They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—
and I will

Categories: Ephraim, Esther, Family Fun, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Simeon, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Cotopaxi awakens!


Recently, a sleeping giant very close to home awoke and has been making quite a fuss.

Bursts of ash spew from the snow-encircled crater of the Volcano Cotopaxi and fall in gusts on this village where the locals struggle to

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Please pray for Patricio

This week during our Medical Caravan in Zuleta we had the opportunity to see a patient that we have been trying to get in contact with.  His name is Patricio and he is from the Kichwa community of Cashaloma.  Joel …

Categories: 501c3, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Updates | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Continue to pray for permits…

This may seem like a very simple picture, but it represents a lot for the clinic in Cayambe.  This is an official permit that is currently up in the clinic.  Please continue to pray.  We are only lacking 1 permit …

Categories: Clinic, Ministry, Prayer Requests | Tags: , | Leave a comment

Volunteers Needed!

The Santiago Partnership has been blessed by numerous volunteers in our already short existence. On Thursday, two more volunteers, Sarah Gosen and David Gutierrez, helped us pour the floor for the entrance to the home for at risk children.  Contact

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Clinic, Construction, Home, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

In His Hands

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I would like to ask you to close your eyes and imagine…however, I am acutely aware that if you do this, you won’t be able to read anymore.  So, I guess imagine this story in your mind as I explain …

Categories: Anger, Esther, Family Fun, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Uncategorized, Updates | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

Prayer Request for Visas

Ecuador Visa picture

We just wanted to offer a prayer request for you all out there to pray for in the next few days.  Joel has been working tirelessly on getting our Visas renewed.  The great thing is, we are not trying to …

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Preaching at Emanuel

Joel had the opportunity to preach this past Sunday at Iglesia Emanuel, our partner church in Cayambe, and will be preaching again there this Sunday.  He is sharing a two week sermon series with them.  Your prayers are appreciated!



Categories: Cayambe, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Blood Samples

This past weekend we were up in Cayambe and one of the Quechua villages in the mountains called Lote Cuatro.  We were there to draw blood.  Even though the clinic is not yet operational, we are able to participate in

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Clinic, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment