Posts Tagged ‘Resources’

What’s New?

Post a Comment » Written on December 21st, 2009     
Filed under: Disaster Relief, General, Special Projects
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Periodically we will be posting updates on what’s new with CWR. We have had several new items we want to draw your attention to today.

New Children’s Service Project: Bed Nets for Life

The new Children’s Service Project materials are …

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Singing About Missio Dei, The Mission of God

5 comments Written on November 13th, 2009     
Filed under: General

Some months ago I was struck by an article, entitled “Worship Wars” in the Nov/Dec 2008 edition of Prism, a magazine published by Evangelicals for Social Action.  In the article Harold Trulear laments the narrow focus of both sides …

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Water of Life

Post a Comment » Written on November 9th, 2009     
Filed under: General


Hopefully, you have seen our new logo by now. The department of Communications has just posted an article giving more information about the new logo and other new activities with CWR. Check it out here.

What are your thoughts …

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Think Globally – Buy Locally

4 comments Written on October 30th, 2009     
Filed under: General

Because of the internet and other modern media, we are inundated with images and stories of extreme poverty throughout the world. I grew up seeing starving children on TV with flies swirling around their heads. I have traveled throughout Asia …

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What’s New?

Post a Comment » Written on October 29th, 2009     
Filed under: General

Periodically we will be posting updates on what’s new with CWR. We have had several new items we want to draw your attention to today.

New and Updated Materials and Avenues of Communication

Fall Materials
Hopefully you have already ordered …

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