
Think Globally – Buy Locally

4 comments Written on October 30th, 2009     
Filed under: General

Because of the internet and other modern media, we are inundated with images and stories of extreme poverty throughout the world. I grew up seeing starving children on TV with flies swirling around their heads. I have traveled throughout Asia …

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What’s New?

Post a Comment » Written on October 29th, 2009     
Filed under: General

Periodically we will be posting updates on what’s new with CWR. We have had several new items we want to draw your attention to today.

New and Updated Materials and Avenues of Communication

Fall Materials
Hopefully you have already ordered …

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CWR 2009 Video

Post a Comment » Written on October 23rd, 2009     
Filed under: General

Covenant World Relief 2009 Video from Covenant Communications on Vimeo.

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2009 Materials Available

Post a Comment » Written on October 13th, 2009     
Filed under: General

The 2009 CWR Materials are available now. New this year, materials will not be automatically sent to every church in bulk. Instead, one sample of each of the resources available will be sent to each church this week (mailed by …

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International Day of Older Persons

Post a Comment » Written on October 1st, 2009     
Filed under: General
Fulani Refugee in Cameroon

Fulani Refugee in Cameroon

Today is the International Day of Older Persons. No, this isn’t some fake holiday, but a day the United Nations designated to raise awareness of the unique opportunities and challenges that face an aging population.

This …

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