
New Website and Fall Materials!

Post a Comment » Written on October 15th, 2010     
Filed under: General

Have you seen our new website? It is a definite upgrade from our old site. A big thanks to the ECC Communications team for all of their work.

The new website has several features including:

*Pages for each of …

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A Great Find

4 comments Written on October 8th, 2010     
Filed under: General

A few weeks ago I found a treasure in the attic of the old 5101 Covenant offices building. We were sorting through boxes and boxes of old Covenant World Relief stuff as we prepared to make our move to the …

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10.10.10 Global Prayer

Post a Comment » Written on October 7th, 2010     
Filed under: General

Have you heard for the global day of prayer this Sunday? Micah Challenge, a great organization fighting poverty and advocating for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), is organizing and promoting a global day of prayer this Sunday. They have …

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Blessed are the Peace Makers

Post a Comment » Written on September 22nd, 2010     
Filed under: General

I have never been much of a fighter and tend to avoid conflict at all costs.  I’m good at trying to reach compromises and figuring out a way forward that ruffles no one’s feathers.  No one gets offended and no …

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Post a Comment » Written on September 21st, 2010     
Filed under: General

Today is International Day of Peace. It is one period of twenty four hours set apart by the United Nations as a time of ceasefire and nonviolence. The concept of one day for peace came about in 1981 but wasn’t …

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