But that’s not what Jesus calls us to in Matthew 5:9. He says, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.” Our role as Christians in this world is not to keep an air of calm and politeness on the surface of a relationship or situation, but to create real and lasting peace and reconciliation to a situation. Ironically, the cost of avoiding conflict is often higher than I am willing to pay. By pushing away conflict and not acknowledging it, I’m not only deeply damaging my relationships, but denying God an opportunity to bring real restoration and healing into the relationship. This alone is what will bring true peace. Peacemaking involves reconciliation, forgiveness, humility and courage. It takes a person who knows their weaknesses but also knows the strength of their God.
This idea is not meant for interpersonal relationships alone, but for international conflicts as well. In whatever way we can reverse the injustices done against other people, we can be peacemakers. This is one way that Covenant World Relief contributes greatly to the areas that they work in. They are providing relief and development in areas of great need, and reversing the process of injustice that many people experience. By having the courage to face these issues and follow God’s leading and compassion, they are making a truly peaceful impact in the world. Pray and ask God for areas in your life or sphere of influence where you can become a peacemaker.
–written by Lizzy Lwanga, CWR intern and NPU senior.