Community Development

Healthcare in the midst of conflict

Post a Comment » Written on November 24th, 2014     
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Ta Mae Kee Clinic StaffDespite the ongoing process striving towards peace in the country of Burma, or Myanmar, the last two months have constituted of increased strife between government soldiers and the ethnic groups in Kachin, Shan, Mon, and Karen States.  In Karen alone, …

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Hassan’s Story–A Syrian Refugee in Lebanon

Post a Comment » Written on November 19th, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development, Disaster Relief, Special Projects
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Week 2 HasanFACT:

There are many places in the world where children have had to suddenly leave their home. Here are some of the places where your offering and prayers will help children.
• Burma—violence, ethnic conflict
• India—violence, religious persecution
• …

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Pendo Esther’s Story–A Congolese Refugee in Kenya

Post a Comment » Written on November 12th, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development, Special Projects
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Pendo EstherFACT: 

A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. A refugee has a fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, or membership in a particular social …

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A cup of water

Post a Comment » Written on November 10th, 2014     
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Last night, or early this morning I should say, I woke up and was thirsty.  I walked a mere 10 feet, grabbed a mug off the shelf,  filled it with cool, clean water, and dragged myself back to bed. Though …

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Ministering to Syrian Refugees

Post a Comment » Written on November 5th, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development
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CWR partner, Heart of Lebanon is entering a new season of ministry this fall as they serve Syrian refugees. Here are two stories, as shared by a team member of the Heart of Lebanon, displaying Christ working through the church, …

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