Community Development

Escape for Freedom in India

Post a Comment » Written on August 4th, 2014     
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CSW PuneM comes from a small village in Karnataka, India.  Her family believed in Devdasi tradition (these days it is considered as temple prostitution and prohibited by law).  Her parents were so poor that they worked as labourers.  But both of …

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Meet Surendra from India

Post a Comment » Written on July 28th, 2014     
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BiharSurendra is a resident of Bihar, India. Since birth Surendra has been labeled as low caste and included on the state government’s Below Poverty Line or BPL list. This status has left Surendra without opportunity to move ahead or …

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Partnering for Transformation in Honduras

Post a Comment » Written on July 21st, 2014     
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DSC00219Part of the mission of CWR is working alongside the poor, the powerless, and the marginalized to build a more sustaining community. With our partners in Honduras, Water First and local organization Cocepradil, CWR is helping to provide running water

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Moving Toward Sustainability

Post a Comment » Written on July 16th, 2014     
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IMG_7119Education is key to making the transition from relief to community development and sustainability. This is a primary goal of CWR’s partner in the Karen province of Burma, Partners Relief and Development (Partners). Partners and CWR are operating two clinics …

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From Manure to Silk

1 Comment » Written on July 11th, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development
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Covenant missionaries serving in Southeast Asia introduced Covenant World Relief to Dara. She leads an organization that has been equipping and empowering villagers to participate in the production of high quality silk. Dara told us that there are twenty-five separate …

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