From the recent CWR newsletter.
Posts by Covenant World Relief:
New Tailoring Business in Kenya
Covenant World Relief provided funding to start a new tailoring business in Kenya that has three full time employees. Your gifts provided the start-up funding for this business that empowers at-risk and marginalized men and women in a violence-prone community …
Deanna’s transformation
“Deanna” is an older woman, married to a man with several younger wives. Her husband cast her aside, and she was left to live on the street. She found CWR partner HOLD, and became a Culinary Arts student. When she …
Second and third and fourth chances at a new future
Covenant World Relief partners with ACT for Congo in the eastern region of DR Congo near Goma. Through this partnership, a program provides a restart opportunity for young single girls who have children. It is a place for these girls …