India: Stories of Transformation, Part 1

Post a Comment » Written on March 27th, 2013     
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It is amazing to see the different ways that our micro-finance project in India (in partnership with India for Christ Ministries) has transformed the lives of many people. Below is part 1 of a 2 part series of stories of transformation in India.

Lakshma and her vegetable business

Lakshma is a vegetable seller in the market. She is very hard working and is the bread winner is the family. The program has been a blessing for her to expand her work and care for her family.

Balagangamma is a widow who comes from a very difficult past. She lost everything, and she struggled to care for her children. She worked very hard to start a small business of selling steamed rice cakes and sells them near her house every day to earn a living. Because of her involvement in this project, Balagangamma was able to expand her business and sell more. She has been able to make a good profit from her business and now owns her own small house.

Obulamma and Govindu with their children

Obulamma and Govindu have 6 children. They work in a brick kiln as labor workers. They are very hard working people and have survived in very difficult conditions, but they struggled to educate their children. Now, through their involvement in the project, Obulamma and Govindu have been able to work and also help educate their children. They are slowing coming out of the debt in which they were stuck for a long time.

Janardhana and Haritha are a young couple in Settipalle village in th Cuddappah district of Andhra Pradesh. They were illiterate and were struggling to survive, as they did not have work to do in their village. They did not own any land of their own or any assets. Janardhana became very sick and was unable to do any work. During this time, Janardhana and Haritha became involved with this project, and they were able to small a petty business in their village. Now they are able to sustain themselves, their son and Janardhana’s mother, and Janardhana has recovered fully from his illness.

Micro-finance can truly make a difference in the lives of many people around the world. To support hundreds of other families like these in India, click here.

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